

New Moon Reindeer Dawn

11.12.2015 in moon&sky, reflections

151211_ReindeerCloud_P1020172-ed_x300What a beautiful dawn this dark-new Moon (I waited long). As I watched the sky lighten and soft clouds over grey turn pink, Reindeer came into form. Pink, full-antlered, moving quickly in the upper air across the sky. Do you see her nose down to the glow?


How wondrous! And what a gift of magic, both gentle and strong. I may fly across the stars with  her, bound  through the forest, or just walk gentle-hooved through the frost-painted grasses.


At this time of year I feel increasingly pulled within. Perhaps it’s the long dark here in the Northern Hemisphere. It calls for more stillness, more Spirit time, more releasing and imagining time. I also feel pulled to gather with stars of all kinds in the form of friends and family. Perhaps you feel both these pulls too.


For now until the next new Moon, I am going to dance in the ethers and rest awhile  in a mystical place with starry Reindeer and heart-lit lanterns shining soft and bright. Wishing you


Happy Heart Holidays and Spirit-filled Holy Days…

Celebrate the Light!

In You, Us,  Earth & Cosmos!



Nurture your Nature
xox Fiona

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Moon Dark-New in Sagittarius

11.12.2015 in moon&sky

151211_COMP1-merge-crop_x385Greetings of New Moon (exact at 0229h) in Sagittarius


It is the beginning of the 13th and last new Moon cycle of the year (coming into full light on Christmas day). Celebrations of Light are core to many traditions at this time of year. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the darkness provides the gift of being within. Still, I look forward to welcoming Solstice and the days of increasing Light. ;)


Sun and Moon together in Sagittarius add light and warmth to the cycle. Sag is filled with optimism, boundless faith, strong philosophic leanings, and playfulness too. Sun in Sag call us to attend to our vision for a better world. Invite the fire to inspire and guide your vision, emerging in form with the waxing Moon.


There are a number of other patterns (squares, trine, oppositions) in the skies these days as well. They are variously both supportive and challenging. The challenge is the continuing push to let go of the past, of separation, and of limited thinking. A great invitation to look to the new! ;)


A mutable grand cross (involving Jupiter, Sun/Moon, and Chiron) supports us in releasing, healing, and making changes and space for the new. Other patterns activate breakthrough, transformation, spiritual wisdom, ease, flow and harmony.  Draw and focus the powers of these activations into your intentions and ways of Being this cycle.


Sit by the fire of your heart
and in the glow, sense in
to what Spirit longs to seed and grow


Draw out the sparks of your intuition
and the whirling mandalas of your intentions
choosing carefully from deep reflection.


Gather these now all together in
a magical, medicine bundle
sacredly made, special and humble


Now set bundle to arrow
and arrow to bow,
take aim and let fly!


See the dreams and the wishes
bursting forth bright in the skies
showering brilliant seeds upon Earth

rooting nurture, caring, compassion,
peace, love, freedom and faith,
deep into the calling for
enlightened, new world rebirth

Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Image Notes:
Figure: cut & modified from Burning Man photo ByTreyRatcliff  | Reindeer: modified clipArt  | WillowFireworks: Pinterest, unknown source | Earth: “Europe at night” image from Universe Odyssey YouTube

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Half-lit waning Moon in Virgo

02.12.2015 in moon&sky

151202_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome the waning
Half-lit Moon
(exact @ 2340 pst)
in Virgo


. . . Enter the deepening


Moon half-lit calls us again to attend to balance. Time to sift through our workings, gifts and learnings of this cycle. Time to release what is no longer needed, and gather up all that we wish to honor and retain. Moon in Virgo is great support for the efforts as she draws us to practical tasks, to making order and attending to details along the way. More deeply, Virgo calls us to be in harmony with cycles and rhythms of nature.


Saturn & Neptune are just coming out of square and provide additional energetic impetus to attend to balance with Saturn drawing attention to our habits and patterns; and Neptune calling us to remember a bigger picture expansive with love, sustainability and freedom. On Friday morning Venus moves into Scorpio, further stirring our deepest desires. Delve now into the deepening dark and prepare for the new Moon to come.


Find a moment to pause
in the space between light and dark
between the practical and the mystical
between the known and the unknown
and breathe


See in the Light and in the Dark
the gifts you bring and release
Feel into the wholeness of your Being
Earth and Cosmos woven


Under the tender gaze of Virgo Moon
Honor your heart unfettered
Open to gentling love and self care
grace-filled in the deepening dark


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Wishing you deep and gentle journeys under this waning Moon



upcoming shiftings:
151205 @ 0115pst: Venus > Scorpio

Image Notes: All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Virgin face: from DaVinci.

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Full Moon in Gemini

25.11.2015 in moon&sky

151125_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385 Greetings of the Full Moon (exact at 1444pst) in Gemini
… and a lot else going on…


Be present in the moment


Full Moon in Gemini lights up all that we have been collecting and distributing. Sun just recently come into Sagittarius expands whatever holds our focus. This full Moon occupies and activates two powerful transits: a rather tense T-square (Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury square Neptune, all in mutable signs); and a more easeful grand air trine bolstering passion, courage, nourishment and self-worth. The upside: lots creative potential and supportive energy.


That said, it’s been true for me and perhaps for you too so I’m just going to say it: this is one tough Moon time. The energies are complex, contrary, confusing, raw and finely nuanced too. There’s a lot of mutable energy about (all the planets in the T-square + Jupiter too) and any nicely ordered and, neatly folded life is bound to feel/get messy.


The Saturn square Neptune relationship (exact tomorrow and the first of three into 2016) is a complicated one. One wants order, rules and borders, and the other wants unconditional love and freedom. The full Moon light shines brightly on both and our work is to blur and dissolve the tension, the fears and the doubts. It is time to draw on beauty, gratitude, compassion and imagination, and to fuel our faith and trust in the powers they hold.


Start where you are
in this moment
and breathe into your sacred presence


Release fears, tensions, and doubts
into the high full Moon tide
and watch them dissolve and vanish
like sand castles in the waters’ waves


Start where you are
in this moment
and breathe spaciousness into being
whole and filled with grace
expansive in the heart Wisdom of you


Start where you are
in this present moment
in this presence moment and


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


May you be resonant with blissful grace and spaciousness
under the fullness of this Moon
Happy Thanksgiving to All in the USA!




Next shiftings:
151127 @2243: Chiron (in Pisces) > direct


IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
silver figures: earrings by Cynthia Woong | Dark silhouettes: cropped & modified from image found on parentmap. |

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Waxing Half-lit Moon in Aquarius

18.11.2015 in moon&sky

151118_COMP2-merge-CROP_X385 Welcome the waxing Half-lit Moon (exact at 2227 pst) in Aquarius


The moment between light and dark in equal measure; a balance of opposites. The half-lit Moon invites us to find our own balance in this moment. Time now to release the unneeded, reintegrate, and prepare to move into the increasing light. Sparkles of Moon dark-new now soften, blend and expand under the waxing Moonlight.


This morning Neptune in Pisces moved direct (at 0830 pst) activating the mystical and illuminating an ocean of possibilities. Moon in Aquarius calls us to focus on the unusual, the unconventional, and the places where our freedom lives. Expansive Jupiter (in Virgo) guides us to our magic, and Saturn (in Sag) fires our soul-reaching purpose. I invite you to draw on all the elements in this shifting Moon time.


Pause in a moment between opposites
and cast to the winds
the last whisps of extras unneeded
in your new found skin


Receive the pouring of Waterbearer’s light
and Neptune’s waters’ gentle caress
and feel yourself filling with all that feels right.


It is time now to create, time now to express
the heart of our wisdom, our magic, our Being
all that has arisen from our collective deep dreaming.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

May the waxing Moonlight bring warmth and fullness to you and All in your surround.


Image Notes: All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
sky background: modifed from hdwallpaper | woman with Urn: Sculpture cropped from image found on Bing. Addnl source info N/A. | Aqua symbol modified from image found in Bing (no original source available)

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