Half-lit waning Moon in Virgo
02 Dec 2015, by moon&sky inWelcome the waning
Half-lit Moon
(exact @ 2340 pst)
in Virgo
. . . Enter the deepening
Moon half-lit calls us again to attend to balance. Time to sift through our workings, gifts and learnings of this cycle. Time to release what is no longer needed, and gather up all that we wish to honor and retain. Moon in Virgo is great support for the efforts as she draws us to practical tasks, to making order and attending to details along the way. More deeply, Virgo calls us to be in harmony with cycles and rhythms of nature.
Saturn & Neptune are just coming out of square and provide additional energetic impetus to attend to balance with Saturn drawing attention to our habits and patterns; and Neptune calling us to remember a bigger picture expansive with love, sustainability and freedom. On Friday morning Venus moves into Scorpio, further stirring our deepest desires. Delve now into the deepening dark and prepare for the new Moon to come.
Find a moment to pause
in the space between light and dark
between the practical and the mystical
between the known and the unknown
and breathe …
See in the Light and in the Dark
the gifts you bring and release
Feel into the wholeness of your Being
Earth and Cosmos woven
Under the tender gaze of Virgo Moon
Honor your heart unfettered
Open to gentling love and self care
grace-filled in the deepening dark
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
Wishing you deep and gentle journeys under this waning Moon
upcoming shiftings:
151205 @ 0115pst: Venus > Scorpio
Image Notes: All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Virgin face: from DaVinci.