

Moon Dark in Capricorn

05.01.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @ 1728 PST) & partial solar Eclipse in Capricorn


… new momentum
clearing & big dreaming
practical & tangible reset ..


A partial solar eclipse (1st of 3 eclipses in Cap this year), just hours before Moon dark-exact, offers us the opportunity to shake things up, clear things out, and be surprised. In setting our intentions for this Moon and year, we are called to increase our strength and adaptability (eclipse ~midway between Saturn & Pluto, a strong alignment influence for next 2 years). We are invited to a powerful re-set.


It’s a time of new beginnings. A time for clearing and a time for dreaming.  A time where imagination, vision and intuition are heightened (Sun-Neptune alignment). A time to source wisdom from Earth and Cosmos and our heart-knowing (7 planets in feminine/yin signs).


Earth energy is very strong at this time  (5 planets + north node + eclipse all in Capricorn). Capricorn calls us to invest in structures (in the outside world and within) – both in the dismantling and in new creation – on a deep and vast scale. We have strong support for grounding, focus, discipline, persistence and perseverance. Momentum for action and change is increasing (all planets direct once Uranus moves direct tomorrow) and, with Capricorn gifts, we will find it much easier to stay focussed and on task.


This Moon dark-new is a gateway to a renewal of strength and Spirit and is made more potent and magickal with the eclipse influence. In Capricorn we are called to seek the deepest, most fertile Earth for our seeds. In the next 1-2 weeks we are called to clear away, set boundaries to prevent distraction, and set intentions to manifest big, far-reaching, practical and tangible visions that are aligned with Spirit, passion and compassion. Journey with SeaGoat deep into the oceans and up to the mountain top. Connect with the Earth’s gifts and find harmony in hir beauty.


At Moon dark-new we are immersed in Earth
time to shape a visionary rebirth


From mountain top to the depths of the sea
Seek the wisdom of strength and serenity


Craft your aims from heart and bones
Align with Earth-Cosmos’ tones


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you envision, hone & manifest new ways of doing and being this Moon



 *And  just a bit of additional guidance for this time …

Rest in and be still.

Feel into the wondrous gifts and support of Earth.

Tap into the strength and steady, empowering influence of SeaGoat.

Draw energy and inspiration from the new momentum emerging.

Clear space and begin to create new foundations.

Feel into stone and bone and all that emerges green from Earth.

And tap into Fire and Water too/

Make time for a warm, scented bath and luxuriate in your Earth form.











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: baby Goat:  cut & modified image  from You Tube  Goat cluster: Cut & modified photo found in Funky Junk

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Moon Dark-New in Sagittarius

06.12.2018 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Dark-New (exact @ 2320 PST) in Sagittarius


... expansiveness … ancient wisdom … high aspirations.


This Moon dark-new opens the doorway to expanded possibilities responsive to a future arising from our source truth and highest aspirations (Jupiter in Sag first time in 12 years +  Neptune effects).  In Sagittarius she brings optimism, hopefulness and a strong desire to adventure beyond. We are encouraged to ‘go big’ and are supported by energies for change (5 planets in mutable signs), action (4 planets in Fire + Moon square Mars & Neptune), flow (5 planets in Water signs) and forward motion (last retro planet goes direct Saturday). It is a time to prepare, not just for this cycle, but for a year of exploration, discovery and expansion.


We are called to look to the horizon for our future selves, expand our vision,  and imagine all that we wish to become and bring into Being. We are reminded to follow the highest and deepest truths; and to embody Spirit (Mars &Neptune square Moon & Sun). Old beliefs and structures are dissolving/dissolved (Neptune) and we are now strongly reconnected to ancient wisdom. Sacred energy is being activated and our inner Spirit warrior is empowered to create miracles  and deep, deep healing (Grand Trine – Chiron, Mercury, North Node).


It is time to fuel the Fire of our passions; expand our vision beyond the usually possible; and let fly our arrows of hope, aspiration and intention. Time to honour the forces of Spirit, Nature, and ourselves. Time for faith and trust. Time to step into an enlightened new dawning,  ours to choose.


At this Moon dark-new a doorway opens
to possibilities for which we have been hoping


With truth and ancient wisdom reconnect
Your highest aspirations now collect


Ensoul your arrows with all that you dream
Let them fly into the Earth-Cosmos streams


Invite in weavings of all things mystical
Express a new you as living miracle


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May your passions be ignited and
may your grandest dreams fly far & wide this Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Owls:  in flight: cut & modified from BCN wildlife Trust; in Moon: source N/A  |  Archer-Centaurs: Cut & modified photo of sculpture by Circe Denyer (public domain) 

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Virgo

29.11.2018 in moon&sky

Welcome the Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1619 PST) in Virgo


… Love and Freedom
reflect, honour, re-orient, balance


Waning Moon calls us to clear things away, re-organize, and store the harvest. Time to review, reflect, integrate and re-orient (waning Moon + Merc-R>Scorpio Saturday). In Virgo she brings the powers of critical thought and attention to details especially regarding health and home. Sun and Moon in mutable signs bring flexibility and adaptability and Virgo helps Sag stay on track. Together they bring warmth, friendliness and movement towards increased feelings and expressions of joy.


During our reflection and reorientation, we are gifted with intellectual depth, concentration and the opportunity for deep cleansing (Mercury-R>Scorpio Saturday). Earthy energy (3 planets in Earth signs + Moon trine Saturn) helps us ground our values and deepen meaning. There’s an overall feeling of well-being and ease (Moon-Jupiter square). Upcoming alignments call us look to the future (Venus>Scorpio Sunday), seek new horizons, and initiate new beginnings (Uranus in Aries). We are encouraged to follow dreams and gain freedom from restrictive beliefs (Jupiter-Pluto semiSq); and balance the energies of Love, freedom and security (3rd & final Venus opp Uranus exact tomorrow).


All these influences are purr-fect conditions for entering into the deepening dark. Time to honor Earth’s gifts in times of greater silence and solitude. Time for opening to an expanded understanding of Earth and Cosmos and our radiant selves. Time to nourish and rejuvenate in the feminine deep.


Under the Moon and the Sun
honour all that has been done


Move within to reflect upon the dance
With heart wisdom Love and freedom enhance


Time to be still, rest and renew
Time to nourish the All of you


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be deeply nourished & blessed by Love, Freedom
& All Earth’s gifts this Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: Sculpture by Fernando Silveira of Venice Clay Artists | Bear: Source N/A

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Moon Full in Gemini

22.11.2018 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Full (exact @ 2139 PST) in Gemini + Sun in Sagittarius


… uplifting and bright
truth, unity & wonder …


This Moon-full carries the energy of new beginnings that will pull us forward the next five cycles (1st of 5 consecutive full Moons @ 0 degrees). Yes, the energy of completion and new beginnings are ‘twinned’ at this time. Moon in Gemini supports us with flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to entertain multiple, even contrary, perspectives. Sun newly in Sagittarius pulls us toward new horizons, big picture views, and connection to things greater than ourselves. Together Sun and Moon bring movement, delight, and the ability to both hold a big vision, and attend to details. We are asked to seek (Sag) and speak (Gemini) our truth.


Today is a powerful portal for Light-energy to pour in for transformation, healing, and soul embodiment (powers of 11+22+33). Other alignments provide new opportunities for feeling and expressing compassion (Mars-Pisces effect); finding bigger, deeper meaning (Mars-Moon square); opening to higher realms and renewing inspiration (Merc-R in Sag); firing up bold visions (mutable T-square); and creating or flowing into change with more ease (7 planets in mutable signs).


Truth, wisdom, healing and Spirit are focal points (Grand Sextile/Star of David). This is a time to both honour, celebrate and express gratitude for all that has come; and to begin to dream in something new for the future. Time to nurture whatever we most hunger for. Time to speak truth with kindness and patience. Time to thoughtfully and boldly aim our arrows out beyond the far horizon. Time for their Fire-y flight to mark the path to our new ways of Being.


This Moon-full is bountiful, poignant, and bright
Truth, wisdom, compassion and action unite


Honour fruition and new vision invite
Expand your worldview and welcome new insight


Draw from the twins both celebration and inspiration
Embrace Spirit and transformation this lunation


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the delight of fruition,
the fullness of gratitude
& the wonder of new inspiration









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: ‘Twinned Figures: Dignity sculpture cut & modified image found on Travel South Dakota (sculptor name N/A  |
Archer: modified clip art

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Aquarius

15.11.2018 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 0654 PST) in Aquarius


… momentum, opportunity, intuition, ideals


Moon half-lit calls us to pause and reflect. Some significant shifting has begun this past week; have you felt it? This past year we’ve been steeped in delving into and magnifying the underworld (Jupiter in Scorpio); now we move into exploring new horizons (Jupiter now in Sagittarius). There is a surge of fresh energy, a feeling of more aliveness, and a renewed desire to open to and appreciate the rich wholeness of life.


Momentum is gathering under the waxing Moon. In Aquarius we are attracted to all that is new, unusual and progressive. Although airy Aquarius energy tends to be intellectual and impersonal, Sun and Moon together meld heart and mind; they are a creative force blending determination, emotional depth, innovation and originality (Scorpio Sun, Aqua Moon).


Other energies in the skies also ensure that emotion, Spirit , and personal engagements are strongly in play. We find our intuition, our creativity, and our freedom are re-empowered (Jupiter, Mars). We are invited into increased clarity, new approaches and transformational healing (Merc>R tomorrow).  Our motivation shifts from more traditional aims to a focus on ones which are more spiritual and heart-felt (Mars in Pisces this afternoon). Beauty, Love and kindness come more easily into form (Venus>direct tomorrow). It is time to expand our inner Fire, open to joy, and move forward with faith, trust and curiosity.


Waxing Moon half-lit calls us to reflect
on what we detect, direct and effect


Mind and heart are deeply entwined
Ignite Spirit and with Source align


Look ahead to the new horizon
Time to polish your sacred diamonds


Love, truth and passion now deeply anchor
Express the wisdom of your inner dancer


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you deep intuition; expansive faith & trust; and
new delight in truth, freedom and wholeness this waxing Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified image from marble mosaic  | diamond water: cut & modified from broach found on etsy |

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