

Moon Full in Libra (& Scorpio soon)

19.04.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @ 0412 PDT) in Libra/Scorpio (in Scorpio @0540 PDT)


… shift, balance, embody


We have been repeatedly challenged to hold the energy of  newness repeatedly over the past five full Moons (five consecutive full Moons at 0 degrees). Now, Moon-full again carries the energy of completion; it is very potent and there’s a very strong urge to get something finished (Moon in final degrees). At the same time there is a strong desire for new experiences, significant shift, and for breaking free (Uranus effect + upcoming holy-days). Yes, the call to both ‘shift’ and balance is powerful this Moon.


In Libra (2nd consecutive Moon-full in Libra), balance, peace and harmony are emphasized. We are again offered the opportunity to learn more about restoring and maintaining balance, peace and harmony no matter what arises. Various alignments in the skies further challenge us to balance difficult oppositions; and to bring harmony to forces that seem strongly opposed. Libra focuses our attention on relationships of all kinds. Moon and Sun focus particularly on our relationships with self (Moon), and with others/community and Earth (Sun).


Evolutionary energy continues to be potent. We are again called to deeply align with Spirit/Soul (Mars-Chiron); urged to transform limitations and restrictions (Moon, Saturn, Pluto T-Q); and to embody all we have learned. We are supported by the all the elements (esp w/ Merc now in Aries & upcoming shifts) and by the energy held by the sacred days of this weekend (Easter, Passover, Earth Day). It is time to centre and feel in. Time to listen. Time to celebrate all that has been done and all the dreams that are to come.


At Moon Full in the final degrees
We have mastered much and found some keys


Like Eagle and Crow on the wing
We find a ‘balance’ in all things


Time now to honour gained expertise
Time to celebrate and take our ease


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a purity of balance, peace, freedom, and deep Love this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sculpture: Source N/A | Eagle: cut & modified from DIg Gallery |

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Waxing Moon Half-Lit in Cancer

12.04.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1206 PDT) in Cancer


 … intention to action;
challenge & opportunity  


Moon half-lit asks us to pause, center and find balance. In Cancer we are called into feeling, caring, and compassionate action towards others and ourselves (strongly supported by 3 other planets in Water signs + Neptune, Venus & Mercury alignments in Pisces). Together Moon and Sun bring emotional energy (Cancer) and activity (Aries). It is time to turn intention to action.


Elemental energies continue to pull us toward Fire, Earth and Water interests: action, boldness, determination; safety, stability, sustainability; compassion, insight and imagination. They may draw us in different directions simultaneously and, along with some intense/tense alignments in the skies this week (esp Cardinal T-square), we are provided with both challenge and opportunity. Yes, we are called to to weave a harmonious balance.


There’s potential for big shifting towards actions that lead us to the highest versions of ourselves. We are well-advised to go slow (Capricorn influence) and deep (Jupiter-R); pause for take a focussed breath often; and pay special attention to how we organize our time and energy. In our favour, imagination and creativity are high (Venus-Neptune); we are more motivated towards practical action (Sun-Saturn); and, by Sunday, harmonious energy, optimism and high spirit flows in (Sun-Jup).


At this Moon it is time to check the integrity of our intentions, and to initiate ‘on track’ actions. We are encouraged to go deeper to find inner resources, strength, and calm we have not yet realized. It is time to find a nourishing balance between work and rest; and to both appreciate and challenge ourselves in the process. Most of all, it is time to invite in all that is beneficial to you and Spirit and All.


At Moon half-lit it is time to feel in
to all to which you feel akin


Time to move slowly and attentively
Strengthen intention-action integrity


Time now to create form under the stars
Embody your Spirit and all you are


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you move forward with courage, strength and Love
& may you deeply trust & cherish all you Be








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crab:Source N/A |nautilus: cut & modified from image by Bert Meyers |

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Moon Dark-New in Aries

05.04.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @ 0150 PDT) in Aries


… determination, courage, new vision  


The energies of Fire, Earth and Water all make themselves felt this Moon. Aries Fire (Sun, Moon, Chiron) brings new energy, new ideas, new insights and new inspiration, along with courage, confidence, boldness and determination. We are urged to burn away old stories, heal old wounds (Chiron) and forge new ways. This is a time to revitalize, take action, begin new adventures and create new visions.


In the midst of this go, go, go energy, Earthy alignments (Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn square Moon) help us to stay aligned with a long term vision. We are encouraged to slow, gather more information, consider all the angles, and focus on accuracy, all to ensure whatever new story we create is stable and sustainable. This is a time to plan, to invest in a new, bold vision, and to let it ‘mature’ like the best of wines. Yes, we may need to wait a little longer for our projects to come to fullness (only one planet in a fixed sign; we need more fixed energy to build forms) but we can trust the fullness will come.


Water energy (Mercury, Venus & Neptune in Pisces) weaves together compassion, insight and imagination. Connecting us to others, and the wisdom within ourselves, the Waters help us flow with the shifts and changes this month. We are called to rely on heart-centered intuition and imagination; and to bring our creativity to the fore.


Overall we are called to hold the highest of intentions for every action, and to do so with courage and conviction. We are asked to go deep and be bold in imagining all that can be. Our intentions are to be clear and direct; our visions are to be bold, freeing, and for the long term. It is time to nurture the radiant jewel waiting to arise from within.


This Moon dark-new dance with the flames
Seek all that serves your heart-felt aims


With courage reach into the Fire
Tune to what you wish to inspire


Focus on what to conserve or preserve
Create the bold vision you want to serve


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you inspired new adventures
& the emergence of a vision
that delights your heart and Be-ing









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Rams: cut & modified photo by Janelle 2012

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Capricorn

27.03.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 2110 PDT) in Capricorn


… release, revise, realign, renew  


Under the waning Moon we clear the way for new Moon to come. It’s a time to take closing action, follow-up and complete the activities begun at Moon New. A time to review, revise, release and realign. In Capricorn we are called to attend to matters of structure, organisation and discipline. Aries Sun urges us to lay the groundwork for the year. Together they seek the best organisational structures, breaking away from the old and considering something new.


As we move into the deepening dark we are invited to immerse ourselves in gentleness, healing and love (Venus in Pisces yesterday). Imagination, inspiration and creativity are newly fueled (Venus, and Mars> Gemini Saturday) and we are encouraged to explore new territories (Uranus influence). We may still find our minds a bit fuzzy or slippery (0 planets in Air + although Merc-D tomorrow, R effects linger with Neptune conjunction) but it is also a time for extraordinary intuitive insights.


Now is the time to wrap things up and put aside all that was initiated this Moon. Time to let the Fire glow on your earthen hearth. Time to tune within and invite wisdom to flow. Time to rest in and nourish you.


Waning Moon calls us to release, let go
Time to pause, realign, balance and slow


Under the Capricorn Moon
to Earth connections now attune


Warmed within by Aries Fire
open to all that inspires


Trust wisdom to help you to prepare
Time to nourish your sacred prayers


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you gentle rest,
sacred nourishment, and
sweet imaginings this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Markhor Goat: cut & modified image from Parc Animalier Dauvergne

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Moon Full in Libra + Equinox Too

20.03.2019 in moon&sky

Happy Equinox! (exact @ 1458 PDT) & Welcome Moon Full (exact @1843 PDT) in Libra


… empowered shift, balance & harmony    


Powerful and potent energy is flowing in (3rd of 3 consecutive Supermoons; 5th of 5 consecutive full Moons at zero degrees; 1st of 2 consecutive full Moons in Libra; Sun newly in Aries; Equinox; and more) and we are challenged to balance pulls in different directions. Sun now in Aries (1458 pdt) brings new energy, renewed passion, increased confidence, and an eagerness to forge ahead (all heightened by Mars-Pluto trine + Chiron influence). At the same time there’s a pull to hold, gauge decisions, reflect, and seek  balance (Equinox & Moon in Libra). A pull to initiate action in the world; and a pull to pause and turn inward (Sun-Moon & Mars-Moon); opposing or complementary energies depending on our point of view ;).


Aries Sun quickens creative energy, spurs initiative, lends us courage, and increases our willingness to risk.  The quest is learning and being more of who we are; the ongoing mission is one of self-love. Moon in Libra brings our focus to both love within, and love beyond self: to relationships, sharing, cooperation, balance, justice and beauty. She blends the objective (Air element) with the heart (Venus rules Libra).  Sun and Moon together invite us to walk a path of freedom, in the service of beauty, justice and harmony, by blending our personal passions and goals with transformation and leadership.


We are well-supported in our journey with strengthened intuition and an incoming aura of calmness and tranquility (Uranus influence); increased clarity and ability to organise and attend to practical details (Merc-Saturn); and an increased ability to integrate mind/body and intuition/instinct (Chiron influence). It is time to embrace the fullness of this moment. Time to let heart-Fire rise and to invite the winds to bring new possibilities, new invitations and new transformations. Time to empower and serve beauty, justice and harmony.


Welcome the Fire of Aries Sun
Energy rises in everyone


Power is strong and potent
Breathe the Air of this moment


Find your balance and begin to dance
all that is, and all you wish to advance


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a dance of balanced fullness
fueled by Fire, up-lifted by Air,
& nourished by Natural magick this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image:  Crow: cut & modified image from Bird Control Pro | Ram: Cut from Back Country | Equinox Circle: cut & modified from Farmers Almanac

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