

Moon half-lit in Capricorn

19.04.2017 in moon&sky

170419_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Waning Moon  Half-lit
(exact @ 0257 PDT)

in Capricorn
(& into Aquarius @ 0352)

& Sun in Taurus
(as of 1547)


sense, slow, rejuvenate


Like last month, last quarter Moon is again in Capricorn, and Sun shifting signs (this afternoon) again too. Now it is Earthy energy that is abundant. What a purr-fect ‘ground’ for this waning time. Also a nice atmosphere for Moon’s move into Aquarius (about an hour after half-lit exact). Strong, stable foundations to work upon.


It is time to allow life to slow down (waning Moon + Sun in Taurus). Time to enjoy Nature and all that is sense-you-all. Shifts in the skies help to bring conscious and ‘higher’ minds together (Merc-R into Aries Thurs conjunct Uranus); and new ideas flow (Mars > Gemini Friday). A multiplicity of things that may have seemed foggy or scattered of late now become more clear and ordered (Venus-Saturn square Sat) and we are supported in building more strength within (Pluto retrograde Thurs).


Time to find balance in slowing and mind-ful, nurturing activity. Time to rest in the place of inner harmony. Time to feel Earth resonant within and draw strength and nourishment from Hir and all that you value. Empower your dreaming this Moon.


Take rest dear ones under Moon and Sun
and reflect upon all that’s been done


If there are stories that confound
Release them now; let them be unbound


Sense into what makes you unique and free
Into all you are and all you Be


Feel into Earth beneath your feet
Dream into all that makes Life so sweet


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you find deep rest, sweet clarity, & great nourishment this waning Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified from image fount on “cut67” source unknown | Goat: cut & modified from image found on Bing; actual source not found.

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Moon Full in Libra

10.04.2017 in moon&sky

170410_COMP2-merge_x385Greetings of Moon Full
(exact @ 2308 PDT)
in Libra


Center, release, ground;
slow, gentle balance tend.


I’m sure you’ve been feeling it, all the retrograde energy slowing things down. For many this can at times be a bit frustrating; still, it’s the energy of the times and things move with more ease if you breathe and go with the flow. Allow slow and feel the grace of the space and possibilities that open in such times.


There are a number of configurations (e.g., T-squares and cardinal grand cross) that present various challenges as well. Overall, moving within/doing inner work is strongly favored. Together with the retrograde energy, the call is for patience, self-reflection, and self-remembering.


As always Moon-full makes things feel more intense, but she also shines the light on what needs to be seen and reviewed. In Libra the focus is on fairness and balance – most particularly between self and others; between the ideals we hold for ourselves and for others/Earth; and between the old and the new. The journey is one of forging new ways, aligned with heart and Spirit, to tear down and release what no longer serves; and evolve new structures and new principles.


Time now to see ever more clearly what it is you value, and strengthen supports which empower and embody these truths. Time to ground deeply, release attachments, and tend Spirt/heart center. Enjoy going slow and the space it affords. Focus on and nourish all that is positive, beautiful, creative and inspirational.


By Moon-full bright now clearly see
all that has evolved and come to be


Beauty, peace and calls for change
Move slow and see how all is arranged


Let emotions come and go
Tend heart and Spirit and let All flow


Move above and so below
embrace all in the cosmic rainbow


In the skies and on the Earth
re-member now all that is of worth
honor you and your Spirit birth


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May life be soft, gentle and sacred presence-full this Moon


IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: goddess: cut & modified from painting by Vermeer found on Wikipedia | Scales: cut & modified from image found on eBay | doves: from a card (source unknown)

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Waxing Moon Half-Lit in Cancer

03.04.2017 in moon&sky

170403_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Greetings of the  Waxing Moon Half-Lit
(exact @ 1139 PDT)

in Cancer


Expand/embody equilibrium


Despite Sun in Aries and waxing Moon, the energy is slow, slow, slow (Retrograde energy: Venus & Jupiter currently; Saturn & Mercury move retro this week). This can at times make for some restlessness, delays and frustration, but the slowing effects of the retrograde energies provide an atmosphere for other opportunity and possibility as well.


Retrogrades afford us time for reflection, remembering, and releasing; and for revisiting, re-examining and gaining clarity about aims, plans, and all facets of our choices in the wholeness of Being. They also activate and thereby direct us to areas that may have been blocked or have yet to fully blossom. Take pleasure in moving slow. Tune to the senses. Become more present in each moment, and more fully embodied with each breath.


Along with the retrograde energy, there’s a mix of energies to be woven into some kind of equilibrium right now, and various Earth-Sky configurations and aspects (current and upcoming) call us strongly to attend to balance. (Fortunately, we have rather more elemental balance at the moment to support us with our breath – 4 planets in Water signs, 3 in Earth, 3 in Fire,1 in Air.)


We are called to focus our action and makings on finding equilibrium within and between mind, body, and heart; and to find a self-caring balance between stillness/rest and action/movement. With Moon in Cancer, we are asked to become more objective about what does and does not provide emotional support; and attend lovingly to how we find and/or create sanctuary.


Time to survey and tune in
to all you have done and would begin


See all that has gone before
and the ways to make things less and more


See all that you would make bright
and all that still needs to come to light


Move slow and attentively
to all that strengthens integrity


Sense all that’s complementary
wildness and peace in sanctuary


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you both Light speed and deep nourishing slowing this Moon







IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: crab: cut & modified from 1/2 image embroidered pillow found on Amazon | Roman goddess mosaic: cut & modified from image found on Bing: orig source not found/unknown

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Moon Dark-New in Aries

27.03.2017 in moon&sky

170327_COMP1-merge_x385Greetings of
Moon Dark-New
(exact @ 1957 PDT)

in Aries

… & alot of Fire!


awaken & tune possibility


Moon dark-new reminds us that, in any moment, there is the opportunity to begin anew. In Aries, the first sign, and now initiating the new astrological year, “New! New! New!” is a very strong call. With all the significantly heightened fire energy right now (6 planets in fire signs; 5 in Aries!) the call to Action is also very strong.


The abundance of Fire energy certainly brings excitement and possibility … but it calls for mindfulness, focus and caution too (esp w. ongoing Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square). Tune inward for guidance. Align personal will and Spirit (support from Mars-Neptune sextile today). Be gentle and stay grounded. Focus on your own uniqueness, integrity and wholeness (Aries interests).


Overall, despite all the momentum initiating right now, it’s a good idea to move slowly and patiently. Draw on a sense of growing awareness and heart-felt courage to act in the service of you and All in the best of ways. Shifts upcoming in the next few days support subtle movements, comfort, and intuition (Mars & Venus in each others signs=mutual support masc/fem; Mars>Taurus for patience & renewed strength). Soon what now exists in concept will find practical action and form.


Warm yourself now by the fire
and if so moved dance with the flames


Tune into all you desire
and all that serves your heart-felt aims


Kindle the fire that glows within
and all that feels right within your skin


Imagine in the synchronicity
that furthers joyful creativity


Moving at Eaerth’s unhurried pace
infuse your gifts with new found grace


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you beautiful at-tuning this Moon dark-new







IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Athena: cut & modified from image from Athens Museum | Fire Circle: cut & modified fire spinner found at southeastasia backpacker | Ram: cut from postcard; orig source unknown

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LastQ in Capricorn + Equinox

20.03.2017 in moon&sky

Welcome Last Quarter Moon
(exact @ 0858 PDT)

in Capricorn


+ Equinox & Sun in Aries
(both exact @ 0329 PDT)


self-nourishing renewal


Sun is now in Aries – Happy Astrological New Year! ;) All the love gathered under Pisces Sun now flows out for spiritual rebirth in Aries. Fire is abundant (5 planets in fire signs, 4 in Aries). Let the fires fuel your inner Light and the radiance of your heart!


The moment Sun moves into Aries marks the Equinox when light and dark are balanced for a harmonious moment. Equinox signals the change of seasons (though perhaps you’ve been feeling it coming already). Time to reflect on all the nourishment received this past cycle, and all the freedom gained from release and surrender. Weave abundance and freedom together as the new season comes into being.


Moon is also in the moment of equal light and dark (just a few hours later). In earthy Capricorn she empowers us to obtain what we need; and increases awareness of the structures, discipline and practical matters helpful in so doing. By now, at waning Moon half-lit, most things activated since Moon dark have been organized, ordered and wrapped up or put on pause in preparation for the deepening time. Whatever is still left to prepare is supported by Moon and Sun. It is time for renewal!


Feel into the Earth of you
now warmed by the sun


Feel into your radiance
and all you have done


Head, heart, hands and Spirit
time now to tend to you


‘Tis time to self-nourish
Time now to be renewed


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be warmed by the fires and well-held by Earth
as you newly and deeply renew this Moon 






IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Capricorn: cut & modified from image found on OmTimes | Background sun/sea: from wallpaper.

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