

Waning Moon Half-lit in Cancer

01.10.2018 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Moon Half-Lit (exact 181002 @ 0245 PDT) in Cancer


… realign, integrate, nurture.


Ripples and waves of feelings flow in and around us at this time (5 planets in Water signs). Moon in sensitive Cancer calls us to tune to our moods and feelings, and to the ocean of inner wisdom and Spirit-knowing. She invites us to come fully home to ourselves. Sun and Moon together bring the nurturing energy of the goddess of Love (Venus ruler of Libra) and the spirit of the Great Mother (Cancer). *We are encouraged  to maintain clarity and drink deeply of these energies as sensitivities are likely to become heightened in next few days (esp with Merc-Pluto square & Neptune involvement).


This Moon amplifies intuition and empathy; deepens emotional reflection;  and supports inner alignment and integration of the masculine and the feminine (Moon in Cancer + Moon-Venus trine). She calls on all of us to embrace the feminine within. To open our hearts to all that provides sustenance, and is nurturing, soothing, and supportive. It is a time to tend our nests – our physical homes, body and structures, and our inner homes – with great Love and caring. An especially poignant time to build and expand the home within (Venus>Retro Friday) and prepare to move more fully into the feminine deep.


Feelings flow from deep within
Time to embrace the feminine


Move like Crab from side to side
find sweet balance in the tides


Time now to tend the heart and nest
Time to nourish, find peace, and rest.


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be steeped in the nourishing fullness of heart and home this Moon.









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crab:  cut & modified light by Swarovski |   Moon Goddess SeleneM/span>: cut & modified image of ceiling at Carlsbery Glyptotek, Copenhagen  |

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Moon Full in Aries

24.09.2018 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Full (exact @ 1952 PDT)  in Aries


… strength, courage, healing


It’s just two days past Equinox. In the South it’s a time to sow seeds; in the North it’s harvest time. This Moon reminds us that we reap what we sow. There is some tension in the air (oppositions & T-squares) which provides both challenge and opportunity. Like in the tale of two Wolves – one angry, fierce and looking to fight; the other sad, loving and seeking harmony and peace – this Moon also reminds us that it is up to us to choose what we feed. Overall, north or south, this is a Healing Moon (Chiron influence).


The need for balance and equilibrium is strong (equinox season + Sun now in Libra). Some intense, challenging energies (esp cardinal T-square involving Sun, Moon, Saturn, Chiron, and Mercury) put increased pressure on our need for balance, and help us move into feeling and healing. The energy heightens our emotions; may increase feelings of vulnerability; and tests our strength, integrity, self-love and self-confidence. It pushes us to face our fears (Sun/Moon Square Saturn & Saturn-Uranus trine), heal our wounded parts (Moon-Chiron), break through inhibitions (Uranus), firm-up our boundaries (Saturn), and more strongly make our stand.


Aries loves the challenge. Moon-full in Aries shines the light on what does and doesn’t work; reveals where action needs to be taken; and helps us make critical decisions. This is a time to align heart and mind. A time to take a long-term view. A time to go slow, be thorough and attend to details (Moon/Merc-Saturn square). Time to listen to inner wisdom and to Spirit/Soul. Time to focus on what is most sacred. Time to honor our creations and step into the Light of our radiant selves.


At this turning of the cosmic wheel
all that was hidden is now revealed


Whatever may have evoked our tears
it’s time to release both pain and fears


Time to align heart and mind
Let them now become entwined


Time to honor the wisdom of your heart
and all that’s expressed by your sacred arts


Take your stand, strong, bold and true
Embrace the radiant you


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the loving embrace of strength, truth and wisdom this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Ram:  cut & modified from gallery hip | Honeysuckle: cut & modified photo at Wilson Brothers Gardens |

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Sagittarius

16.09.2018 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-Lit (exact @ 1615 pdt) in Sagittarius


— free Spirit; ancient wisdom


Seeds planted at Moon-new have been germinating and are now eager to break-through. Waxing Moon and other alignments create a strong pull to action and forward movement (Mars now direct + ongoing fixed T-square: Venus, Mars, Uranus) and we can sense an increasing current of activity coming (Mars square Uranus on Sep18). With Moon in uplifting, free-spirited, warm-hearted, fun-loving, and joyful Sagittarius, everything seems possible. Virgo Sun and other Earthy energy (5 planets in Earth signs) help us to ground and anchor our expansive delight.


At Moon half-lit it’s time to pause, take a breath, and find Earth-deep balance. Yes, given all the action-spurring energy it might be a bit more challenging to calm, settle, and center. The ongoing theme of clearing and letting go continues to be imperative (fixed T-square). Virgo Sun and Sagittarius Moon together call us to attend to balancing hard work, detail focus, clearing away and anchoring the known (Virgo Sun); with ease, expansiveness, exploring new possibilities and freedom (Sag Moon). We are also called to find balance in relationships by ensuring both compromise and progress; community belonging and individuality; time with others and time on our own (Venus & Uranus square).


It is a time to create space to align with inner wisdom and ancient knowing and seek new balance. A time to invite new insights. Time to create the detailed and broad stroke expressions of all that you Be and wish to bring into Being. Time to further hone your vision, take aim and let your arrow fly into big-picture possibilities.


At waxing Moon half-lit
anchor deep and sit a bit


Let the whirl of movement drift away
Choose what to release and what shall stay


Tune to your inner Fire and the distant starlight
Dare to see your radiance beaming from great heights


Trust the knowing and not-knowing beyond your sight
Take aim and let fly your vision-arrow burning bright


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


May ancient wisdom fuel your freedom and all the visions you let fly into Being this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sag Woman: source unknown/NA | Owl: cut & modified photo found on building blogs of science |

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Moon Dark-new in Virgo

09.09.2018 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-new (exact @ 1101 pdt) in Virgo


… grounding wholeness; practical wisdom


This Moon dark presents a powerful new beginning. Feminine and Earthy energy are very strong (10 planets in feminine signs; 7 of them in Earth!). The power of Virgo (Sun, Moon & Mercury) continues to urge us to clean, clear, reorganize, and re-center inside and out. She calls us to purify, refine, and more deeply align with both our inner wisdom, and the heart of Earth. We are asked to focus on home, health, and our connection to Nature. It is a time to release all that blocks emotional freedom, spontaneity, joy, and fun with others. It is time to ground the wholeness of our inspired well-being.


We are hugely supported in our undertakings (abundance of feminine & earthy energies + Grand Earth Trine – Mercury, Saturn, Uranus). Strongly grounded, our ability to concentrate and focus is uber high. Elevated thinking provides us with both a wide scope and an eye to detail. Access to intuition is increased. Freedom and security are blended and balanced enabling us to more easily open to new pathways and new ways of doing/being. We are excited and motivated by creative ideas.


The depth and breadth of opportunities provided to us at the beginning of this cycle are expanded and magnified. Our efforts seem to be magnetized, drawing in what we need, and it feels like our efforts are blessed (Moon, Jupiter and Pluto alignments). We are more likely now to crave deeper, more meaningful and intimate connections. We are drawn to look beneath the surface and into the shadows where subtle issues become more obvious (Venus now in Scorpio). All our thoughts and plans are infused with positivity and harmony (Saturn now direct) though we are cautioned to be wary of worldly illusion. This is a time to tap into imagination and sensitively balance hard work and the power of dreams (Virgo/Moon – Pisces/Neptune opposition).


Moon dark-new brings practical wisdom
Enter into Nature’s sacred rhythm


In the Earthy ground and the feminine deep
realign and revitalize all in your keep


Now is the time to expand your radiant heart
through the Earth and Cosmos, express your sacred arts


Nurture your Nature
ith Love and Light


May the sacred be ensouled in all your acts this Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Virgo Woman: cut & modified image found on shaktiWoman | Bears: cut & modified photo by (?) Steven Kazlowski |

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Gemini

02.09.2018 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-Lit (exact @ 1937 PDT)  in Gemini


… reorient, re-balance, shift


We can move more easily (esp w/ Mars recently direct) and see more clearly now (since last week’s cleansing Pisces Moon). We begin to feel the early stages of the shift in seasons (Equinox not far away). The call to sift the wheat from the chaff, re-organize, and re-orient for the shifting is strong (Virgo Sun). Earthy energy helps keeps us grounded (5 planets in Earth signs) as we move through the shifting.


Waning Moon asks us to prepare to move inward for deep reflection. Half-lit in Gemini we are pulled towards new ways of finding balance. To reach and stretch and stay grounded and connected to loved ones. Sun and Moon together push us to be practical and grounded in our bodies, our work, and with the land (Virgo Sun); and to embrace the freedom to change whatever helps open the ways to creative well-being (Moon in Gemini).


The key to this time is presence. Yes, it is a time to let go, clear out, cut loose. Yes, there may be a strong call to ‘get busy’ (Virgo Sun), but this must be balanced with pause, rest, and space for creating (waning Moon). Both pursuits bring rewards. Use this waning time to prepare and plan for projects you have in mind. Ground the dreams you dance in the starry skies. Rest and nourish in the deepening dark.


At waning Moon half-lit, let go and release
Enter into the realms of balance and ease


Review and sift through all you have found
Extract the honey and sweetness ground


Trust your instincts and deeply connect
with self and Love and all you respect


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you feel freshly released, deeply grounded, and ease-full this nourishing Moon time










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Twins: cut & modified lamp image found on e-Bay |
Other Images: Bee: cropped image found on Ladybug com |  Deer: cropped image found on nyc gov | Bear: cropped image found on wallpaperpa |

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