Waxing Moon Half-lit in Sagittarius
16 Sep 2018, by moon&sky inGreeting Waxing Moon Half-Lit (exact @ 1615 pdt) in Sagittarius
— free Spirit; ancient wisdom
Seeds planted at Moon-new have been germinating and are now eager to break-through. Waxing Moon and other alignments create a strong pull to action and forward movement (Mars now direct + ongoing fixed T-square: Venus, Mars, Uranus) and we can sense an increasing current of activity coming (Mars square Uranus on Sep18). With Moon in uplifting, free-spirited, warm-hearted, fun-loving, and joyful Sagittarius, everything seems possible. Virgo Sun and other Earthy energy (5 planets in Earth signs) help us to ground and anchor our expansive delight.
At Moon half-lit it’s time to pause, take a breath, and find Earth-deep balance. Yes, given all the action-spurring energy it might be a bit more challenging to calm, settle, and center. The ongoing theme of clearing and letting go continues to be imperative (fixed T-square). Virgo Sun and Sagittarius Moon together call us to attend to balancing hard work, detail focus, clearing away and anchoring the known (Virgo Sun); with ease, expansiveness, exploring new possibilities and freedom (Sag Moon). We are also called to find balance in relationships by ensuring both compromise and progress; community belonging and individuality; time with others and time on our own (Venus & Uranus square).
It is a time to create space to align with inner wisdom and ancient knowing and seek new balance. A time to invite new insights. Time to create the detailed and broad stroke expressions of all that you Be and wish to bring into Being. Time to further hone your vision, take aim and let your arrow fly into big-picture possibilities.
At waxing Moon half-lit
anchor deep and sit a bit
Let the whirl of movement drift away
Choose what to release and what shall stay
Tune to your inner Fire and the distant starlight
Dare to see your radiance beaming from great heights
Trust the knowing and not-knowing beyond your sight
Take aim and let fly your vision-arrow burning bright
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
May ancient wisdom fuel your freedom and all the visions you let fly into Being this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sag Woman: source unknown/NA | Owl: cut & modified photo found on building blogs of science |