

Moon Dark-new in Sagittarius

26.11.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting  Moon Dark-New (exact@ 0706 PST) in Sagittarius


… warmth, optimism, new horizons…


At Moon dark we are still in the dreaming time and just beginning to stir. Creative and emotional energies are now rejuvenated. Having shifted from the deep dark Waters of Scorpio into the uplifting Fire of Sag, we can expect a brightening of mood, a sense of liberation, and a renewal of our faith. This is an invitation to rediscover the Light within and move into positive flows.


Moon in Sagittarius encourages expansive visions, a strong belief in ourselves, and a deep faith in Life. Sun and Moon together (with Jupiter too) activate Sag’s natural qualities of warmth, optimism, enthusiasm and desire for new adventures. We are called to explore new horizons, express our truth, share our wisdom, and bring our dreams into form.


Other supportive energy in the skies variously reawakens imagination and creativity (Moon square Neptune-direct tomorrow); empowers wisdom and feminine thinking (Moon-Pallas Athene); supports healing and the birthing of new dreams (Venus-Chiron square); and helps us tune our thoughts to attract ideas, knowledge, skills and ‘right’ results to build what lasts (Venus>Cap tomorrow +fixed star Marfik). All together, great conditions for creating a new story.


Time to look to the future and expand our vision. Time to fuel our passions and ignite our Soul Fire. Time to choose our prayer seeds and let loose our arrows. Time to step into a new dawning and new ways of Being.


Sit by the Fire of your heart glow
sense what Spirit seeks to seed and grow


Gather the seeds you wish to cast
Choose those for which wisdom has asked


Bundle them together with great care
Then string your bow with all your prayers


Ensoul your arrows with all that you dream
Let them fly into the Earth-Cosmos stream


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May your dreams, prayers, and new stories come into form this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Archer: cut & modified photo found at Trip Advisor | Foxgloves: cut & modified photo found at Burpee Seeds |

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Leo (Virgo soon)

19.11.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact@ 1311 PST) in Leo (& in Virgo soon)


… release, realign, rejuvenate…


At waning Moon half-lit it is time to sift, sort, and review all that has occurred this cycle. Time to release what is no longer needed, and gather up all that we wish to honour and retain. Time to attend to balance, reorient, and realign. Time to prepare to rest and rejuvenate in the feminine deep.


We are still in the warm embrace of Leo and are well-advised to enjoy and remember hir rumbling purrs and the feline keys to contentment. In a few hours Moon will move into Virgo (at 1754 pst). Virgo helps us to focus on practical tasks, find order, and attend to details along the way. In all we do, she calls us to be in harmony with the cycles and rhythms of Nature. Great preparation for entering the deepening dark.


Otherwise there’s a mix of energies about. We can expect emotions to be more intense especially regarding matters of power and control (Mars now in Scorpio). We may feel a bit of shaking going on at our roots (Jupiter-Galactic Centre) particularly as the dismantling of systems, structures and constructs continues (Saturn-Pluto ongoing).


On the upside, communications will begin to get easier and clearer (Merc Direct tomorrow); we will likely feel more courageous and playful in dealing with complexity and facing fear (Mars in Scorpio); we’ll have more opportunities to deepen trust in our intuition and personal truth; and there’s uplifting happy-making energy incoming (Moon trine Venus & Jupiter + Sun in Sag soon). Whew! ;)


When all has been sifted and sorted, it is time to let go and move into flow. Time to surrender the need to know and sense into emotional rightness. Time to connect with inner wisdom and Spirit. Time to open our hearts and feel into the presence of this moment. Time to rest and renew in the deepening dark.


Pause in the moment of light-dark between
Reflect on all you’ve heard and all you’ve seen


Release any sorrows or fears that came
Honour and cherish all the learning gained


Enjoy Fire’s warmth and Leo’s purrs
Be nourished by Earth and all that’s Hers


Step into the feminine deep and realign
with Nature’s elements, Spirit and the divine


Now it’s time to rest and renew
Time to honour the All of you


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you be deeply nourished and renewed this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Mountain Lion: cut & modified photo found at Sciencing | Woman: cut & modified photo of forest sculpture by Bruno Torf |

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Moon Full in Taurus

12.11.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @ 0534 PST) in Taurus


… illuminate, ground, appreciate … 


Moon full is a time of illumination, completion and appreciation. In Taurus we are called back into our senses, into Nature and art, and into simple, in-matter pleasures. Taurus Moon asks us to attune to sense-reality, deeply ground, and be wholly here, fully in-body. With Venus as her ruler, she invites into the moment, into beauty, and into remembering all that is to be appreciated.


Overall, Taurus Moon wants us to enjoy life. Scorpio Sun wants to swim deep into all that is required for transformation and rebirth. As complementary signs they are each the antidote to the other. Together they encompass the simple and the complex; the material and the mystical; the tangible and the intangible. It is a time to weave together the wisdom of both Taurus and Scorpio; a time to discover desires within; a time to come home to ourselves and see in new Light all that we are and are meant to Be.


Multiple planets provide us with supports of various kinds. We can anticipate more focus (Saturn); a deepening connection with Spirit/Source (Neptune); increased access to divine downloads (Jupiter & Galactic Centre); and perhaps some enchanting feelings (Pluto). It’s time to honor all that has come and gone this cycle. Time to slow down and enjoy the fruits of our labours. Time to deepen into the feminine. Time to connect with all that we appreciate, and to focus on simple things that bring us joy.


Under the full Moon bright
sense into Earth’s delights


Open to sensual pleasures
of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water


See now more clearly than ever before
all that is most precious held at your core


Feel the power and beauty of all of your arts
Honor the truth, love and light held strong in your heart


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you embody, express and enjoy the beauty and bounty
of all that is you this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Taurus (African Buffalo) : cut & modified photo by Jim Morris | Poppies: cut & modified image found on ChemCert  |

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Waxing Moon Half-Lit in Aquarius

03.11.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact 191104 @ 0223 PDT) in Aquarius


deepen, release, realign, rededicate


Momentum is gathering under the waxing Moon. Now half-lit she calls us to pause and reflect. Our continuing challenge is to determine what will stay and what will go. In our transforming we are called to to go deeper and deeper; get to the bottom of things; shed unneeded layers; and find the gifts of our truest Being (Sun & Merc in Scorpio + Mars-Pluto square tomorrow further supports emotional clearing).


In Aquarius we are attracted to all that is new and unusual, and we are invited into freedom, fresh air and playfulness (Aqua Moon + Venus in Sag). Together, Scorpio Sun and Aquarius Moon meld heart and mind and blend intensity, emotion, mental equilibrium, and determination. A creative force indeed. As the week proceeds we receive additional support for bringing visions and spiritual ideals into form (Sun, Saturn and Neptune alignments).


It is a time to merge with the fullness of Life hirself. Time to listen deeply to inner wisdom. Time to rededicate ourselves to living an inspired and vibrant life.


Invite the refreshing winds of Aquarius Moon to clear the ways. Spread your Eagle wings and welcome the invitation to dance truth and Love boldly and fearlessly. Create the space to feed Spirit, passion and creativity; and welcome the blessings and opportunities of this transformational time.


Pause in the still moment of between
Delve deep into the seen and unseen


Open to the pour of Waterbearer’s light
Feel yourself filling with all that feels right


Let mind and heart now deeply entwine
Ignite Spirit and with Source align


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you experience & express an emerging
new sense of your blessed self this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Water bearer : cut & modified image from archive. Artist/source N/A | Bird of Paradise: cut & modified image found at Bloom Nation |

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Moon Dark-New in Scorpio

27.10.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @ 2038 PDT) in Scorpio

… metamorphosis. release, transform, revitalize


Moon dark-new is a time for releasing, shifting, and seeding new ideas and new ways of seeing and Being. In Scorpio it is a time of emotional intensity; potent insights; and both destructive and creative powers. The central focus of this cycle is deep healing, renewal and transformation. It is a significantly self-empowering time. A time to immerse in feminine energy (8/11 planets in feminine signs) and tune to the wisdom within.


Scorpio asks us to explore and emulate the cycle of life, death and rebirth. We are called to sift through the layers of our past and access what has been buried; to clear, cleanse, shed and/or transform what no longer serves; and to claim our personal life-affirming power. Energy available now is immense for illumination, transformational healing, and new creation.


Light shines into the deepest dark and spurs spirit-aligned healing (Scorpio Sun). Our senses are enlivened (Scorpio Moon); we are able to see and feel patterns more clearly (Mercury in Scorpio). Although we may feel a bit restless or shakey at times, we are assisted in breaking through what is out-moded; transforming the past; and liberating new truth (Sun/Moon-Uranus opposition). It is a powerful time for releasing and inviting new forms into being.


Now is the time to release, release, release whatever disempowers. Time to connect deeply to sacred source. Time to empower Spirit connection. Time to tune to the ancient wisdom within us and Earth. Time to set intentions and plant new seeds. Time to surrender into freedom. Time to shed old skins and unfurl new wings.


Immerse yourself in deepest feeling
Open to a most profound healing


Through the layers, deep, deep, deep
awaken what’s laid asleep


Give Spirit room to break old norms
It is time to birth your grace-filled forms


Time to trust to quantum space
Personal power now embrace


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet release,
brilliant transforming &
radiant rebirth this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Woman sculpture: by Johann Ferdinand Preiss 1882-1943 (cut & modified photo found on artNet | Snake Skeleton: cut & modified image from Met Museum |

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