

Full Capricorn Moon and Bright Lights

02.07.2015 in moon&sky

150701_COMP4-4-mergeCROP_x385Welcome Full Moon in Capricorn (exact yesterday @ 1920 pdt) and Bright Skies!


This is a powerful full Moon with lots else going on.


Take time to honor, give thanks, and
celebrate the journey, the gifts and achievements
from Moon dark to now.


No matter what else may be pushing or pulling (cardinal grand cross effects),


create a moment now to
breathe in gratitude for all the insights and forms
that have come into being.


Wander through the moon-lit landscape to
find what shines forth and
what is revealed in crevices and corners
that have been hidden before.


Call in acceptance and compassion and
add this to the bouquet of experience
you gather under the full Moon.


With Full Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer we continue to be called to balance. The emphasis now is on balancing self-care (Cancer) and responsibility in the world (Capricorn).


Let the bright lights of Moon, Jupiter and Venus guide and empower.


Breathe in joy, optimism and confidence,
(Jupiter conjunct Venus in Leo),
strength and vigor
(Sun conjunct Mars),
and bathe in the full Moon light.


Embrace what makes you shine, and
what nourishes and fulfills you.
Hone your sense of what really matters


Be inspired and spiritually energized by the
gentle touch of divine sparkles
(Neptune in Pisces)


Stand in the earth-sky fullness of you and
be caressed by ongoing transforming
(Moon conjunct Pluto)


Cleanse, nourish, ground, trust.
These are the soils of abundance fueling your Being


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

Wishing you
empowering revelations and celebrations

of the Full Moon and Bright Lights in the sky
and of Radiant You!

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Half Lit Libra Moon

24.06.2015 in moon&sky

150624_comp1ed-,MERGE_x385wSIGGreetings of Libra Moon half lit (exact at 0403 pdt)


The call to balance is strong at this time. Just 3 days ago was Solstice, the day of longest light in the North and longest dark in the South: light & dark in equal measure. Today Moon is half-lit, light and dark in equal measure, and in Libra, the sign of balance.


It is time to pause in the center of our Being.
Time for connecting and for releasing.
Time to make transparent
all that helps us be grounded and in balance,
and all that hinders or throws us off.

Delve into the physical realm, into relations, into thoughts and feelings.


Right now two large, fiery planets, Sun and Mars, are moving through the waters of Cancer (and in the presence of lots more water energy that is about).


Wonder into the fires and the waters.
Feel into the flames, the mysts, the splashes and the flows.


Look into thoughts and feelings for their balance- influencing powers. Libra Moon helps us in this task by highlighting fairness, equity and compromise; and by grounding and centering the Gemini air energy from Moon dark. Our journey into feelings is supported by the emotional waters of Sun and Mars in Cancer (as of Solstice & today respectively); Saturn in Scorpio (as of Jun15); and Neptune and Chiron in Pisces (as of Jun 11 and yesterday respectively).


Explore apparent opposites
for the insights and revelations each brings –


Rock and feather
Fire and water
Thought and feeling
Action and Stillness
Light and Dark
yin and yang –


and harmonize their complements in glorious moving tapestry

sparkling like the stars & sunlit waters
nourishing like the Earth.
Living in the center of your Being
dancing in tune to your heart beat.


Empower balance and so


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


150624_VidFeatherMeditative Treat: Balance a Feather.


How powerful the lightness of Being.


I invite you to spend some time with easeful breathe viewing a beautiful dance by Miyoko Shida Rigolo



Wishing you the delight of ‘complements’
and joyous balance!


IMAGE NOTES: background: Modified and colorized a galazy photo from Griffiths Observatory; Scales cut and modified from a court library photo by F.Juridicas; Siloutte cut & modified from pinterest photo; ribbon adapted & modified from clipart.

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Happy Solstice!

21.06.2015 in moon&sky

Happy Solstice! (exact at 0705 pdt)


Celebrate the Light! in

Earth, Cosmos & You!




Nurture your Nature


Wishing you the brightness and spark of Light,  &
the freshness, sweetness, and nourishment of rose,
budding, full and fruit


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DarkMoon New Light

17.06.2015 in moon&sky

150616_comp3-mergeCROP-x385Welcome Moon Dark and New


Yesterday began with dark Moon (exact at 0705 pdt) in Gemini; later she moved into compassionate Cancer (as of 1551pdt) where she is still today.


It is a time of new beginnings. Fire supports our movement (Jupiter, Uranus & Venus all in fire signs). We are graced with inspiration and wisdom (Sun, Mars, Mercury all in Gemini); and various alignments gift us with clarity and ease of flowing presence.


Sense the stirrings within your LaLuna cocoon
Feel into the whispers and sparkles that rise from the deep, and
into the seeds and jewels that now wish to speak


Listen and see clearly what your heart calls to have be.


It is time for emerging from darkMoon’s duvee
and gently unfurling open fresh wings
to welcome beginnings the new Light now brings


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you gentle re-emergence and
the de-Light of wind-filled wings!

 IMAGE NOTES: White feather photo by Angler on UglyHedgehog.com | Crab cut from photo by Jam Shim 2008 | Damselfly by AlanBaker Guardian Wallcharts.

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LastQ Moon in Pisces

09.06.2015 in moon&sky

150609_comp1-merge1-CROP_x385sigGreetings of the Half lit waning Moon  (exact at 0842)


The Last Quarter Moon is in Pisces. We are called again to attend to balance. Mercury is essentially standing still now (supporting our pause) and will begin moving direct on Thursday; some hours later Neptune moves retrograde, creating a deepening place for Spirit.


It is time for releasing, for changing perceptions and for integration. Embrace the ways of Moon waning time and move into the feelings, intuition, and imagination of the feminine deepening dark.


Step into this moment of Moon
light and dark in equal measure.
Be supported by Mercurial stillness
And open to Pause.


Feel into the place of balance
that exists within, and
find its shifting place upon the Piscean waters
through which Moon and we now move.


Drink in the radiance of Sun and Moon and
Prepare for the softening light and deepening dark.


It is time now, as Moon wanes, to
Gather up the jewels born of Earth and Fire this cycle
and release the ash and char that gave them birth


Flow into the feminine dark
Open to restful insight and gentle rejuvenation
Nourish heart and Spirit essence
and the Bliss of Being.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Wishing all a nourishing, self-honoring, rejuvenating time under the waning Moon.


[IMAGE NOTES: calico goldfish: drawn from photo by Dr.Tom Bailey. drawn from a school of blue ram fish by unknown]

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