LastQ Moon in Pisces
09 Jun 2015, by moon&sky inGreetings of the Half lit waning Moon (exact at 0842)
The Last Quarter Moon is in Pisces. We are called again to attend to balance. Mercury is essentially standing still now (supporting our pause) and will begin moving direct on Thursday; some hours later Neptune moves retrograde, creating a deepening place for Spirit.
It is time for releasing, for changing perceptions and for integration. Embrace the ways of Moon waning time and move into the feelings, intuition, and imagination of the feminine deepening dark.
Step into this moment of Moon
light and dark in equal measure.
Be supported by Mercurial stillness
And open to Pause.
Feel into the place of balance
that exists within, and
find its shifting place upon the Piscean waters
through which Moon and we now move.
Drink in the radiance of Sun and Moon and
Prepare for the softening light and deepening dark.
It is time now, as Moon wanes, to
Gather up the jewels born of Earth and Fire this cycle
and release the ash and char that gave them birth
Flow into the feminine dark
Open to restful insight and gentle rejuvenation
Nourish heart and Spirit essence
and the Bliss of Being.
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
Wishing all a nourishing, self-honoring, rejuvenating time under the waning Moon.
[IMAGE NOTES: calico goldfish: drawn from photo by Dr.Tom Bailey. drawn from a school of blue ram fish by unknown]
Copied this along with link to this site in Red Madonna again, Fiona. … Great stuff!