

Moon dark-new in Libra

30.09.2016 in moon&sky

160930_comp1-merge_x385Welcome Moon dark-new
(exact @ 1711 pdt)

in Libra

Harmony, beauty, ease


Whew! Yay! Moon dark-new is here! She brings gentleness, tenderness, and calm. There is much energy to fuel and support balance, beauty, peace, unity, and harmony – inside and out. (Moon, Sun & Jupiter in Libra + Venus trine Neptune on the weekend). 

All the churnings of mutable energy, planetary shiftings, eclipses and the Neptune-Square are calming and fading. There is more ease in this Moon than we’ve seen/felt for some time.


There is a freshness and sense of new possibility (Mars in Cap as of Tues, Sep27 ). If there are still things to be cleared out or pared down, this all now comes easily (Lady Justice wields her sword). We are empowered to expand our sense of higher purpose (Jupiter conjunct Moon) and our own just power (Moon square Pluto).


We are called to expand inward and attune to all that honors balance, peace, beauty, and harmony. It is a time to renew our commitments to all that we love and hold sacred. Time to breathe into our intentions. Time to plant the seeds of our dreams. Time to nourish them into form.


Breathe in the freshness of the air
Release your breath and all unneeded cares


Stand tall with arms raised high and
look up to the stars in the night sky


Feel their sparklings stir inside your skin
the loving whispers to you their kin


Listen closely as you move within
and see the way together you create art…

Starlight and your light together bend
through the facets of your wisdom gems
igniting rainbows in your heart
dreaming delight in sacred rhythm



Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light



May you dance with delight in and with the inner rainbows of your Being





IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: brass & glass balance: modified from image on Ebay | figures: from Cirque du Soleil “Quidam”| crystals + background nebula: modified from wallpapers.

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Waning Moon half-lit in Cancer

24.09.2016 in moon&sky


Greetings of the waning Half-lit Moon
(exact 160923 @ 0256 pdt)

in Cancer

& in the Equinox zone
(exact 160922 @ 0721 pdt)


Be still, move slow, rest


The call to pause, and the pull into stillness and into the quiet is very strong and very powerful at this time. (Equinox, half-lit Moon, Mercury standing still in preparation for moving direct). And the call is deep (Venus moved into the deep waters of Scorpio yesterday. Pluto stations direct on Sunday.)


So strong and deep that over the last three days as I sought to prepare this message all I heard was “into the quiet… into the stillness… into releasing… into the dreaming …”. And so I let go and let Be. And later began again. And the whispering was the same. Deeper and deeper, into the stillness, into the quiet, into the vastness of spaces empty and full. Stepping aside like Crab and curling into the nautilus’ spiral. Flowing into stillness to be emptied and filled. And so this is the message I bring today. (* Below you will find some pictures of some favorite resting places to further encourage you ;))


The call to stillness and rest is strong
give it heed and flow now into the powerful song


Make space and time to prepare your place
where impossibility and possibility meet
and transform and become as one


Move into the dreaming of making real
your most heart and soul’s yearning appeals

Now is the time to prepare your nest
Drink of the elixir and be filled with nourishing rest.


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light




 Dream in your place of rest – in beauty, peace, and harmony





Wishing you deep rest and dreams filled with Love & Light




IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: crab: from “fish Info” fisheries |  Beds from various places along the way

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Personal message: Of the times

16.09.2016 in reflections

160916_img_0634_x300w Yes, it is true, there are energies about that may be intense at times and, especially with several of Mars aspects, there is both some feelings of urgency, and potential for frustration to rise.


Step with bare feet onto Earth and/or into Water. Pause and take breath.


Release, release, release.


Focus on Beauty in Nature. Focus on wholeness.


Drift with the ebb and flow. Surrender to the waves. Trust, let go, take rest.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Sending much Love & Light & Peace & the gentle fullness of Joy.



Photo of sunrise this full Moon-eclipse morning. :)

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Moon Full in Pisces + Eclipse

16.09.2016 in moon&sky

160916_comp1-2-merge-crop_x385Welcome Moon Full  (exact @ 1250 pdt)
+ Eclipse in Pisces


Anchor, release, celebrate


Moon-full and lunar Eclipse in Pisces call us to embrace, and immerse in the feminine waters. This is a time to be nourished by emotion and Spirit, by creativity, and by intangible essences. Time to yield to the waves and embrace ebbs and flows. Time to let hard edges be softened by the tides, and to dissolve all that separates us from living our whole and radiant selves.


There is a lot of shifting energy swirling about (7 planets in mutable signs + eclipse + various Mars aspects). The eclipse (0954-1354 max @ 1154 pdt) and Moon-full amplify the experience, and make more apparent whatever themes have been weaving through our lives. This is a time for anchoring the truth, joy, and insights brought into the Light – and especially those concerning healing, letting go, personal power, and freedom.


Various other configurations in the skies (those involving Mars, Chiron & Uranus particularly significant) provide additional opportunities and supports. Energy is present for deep healing (Mars in Sag; Chiron in Pisces aligned w/ Moon). There is support for stepping into an expanded sense of freedom, released from duality and what does not serve (Mars trine Uranus on Sat). The powers of strength and courage enable us to stay strong, hold the big picture, and take advantage of unique opportunities along the way (Sun conjunct Jupiter to Oct10). Add to all this the relative balance among the elements right now (3 planets in each of Earth, Water and Fire + 2 in Air (Venus & Jupiter both in Libra)) and we have a context in which to enjoy the abundance and deep Earth-root connection that nourishes us and holds our ground.


Step into the fullness of bright Moon light
and open to all that is revealed to your sight
in the out-world and within


Sense into the stirrings of your heart and Soul
Now root your joy and truth and let the rest go
to dissolve and to heal


Embrace the wisdom of sacred Waters and drink deep
Now is the time to trust the All in your keep
and honor all that you’ve reaped.


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you joy-fullness, whole and unfettered, and deep peace
in the ebbs and flows this Moon






IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Gold salmon: adapted and modified from a tattoo found at DeviantArt | Salmon in stream: from Full Spectrum Biology

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1stQ in Sagittarius & other midpoints

10.09.2016 in moon&sky

160909_comp1-merge-crop_x385 Welcome half-lit Moon
(exact @ 0449 pdt)
waxing in Sagittarius


& Jupiter into Libra
(@ 0418 pdt)


Ground, gather, aim, release


A blended form of tale this day…


In the midst of much head+heart+hands activity, the body sometimes just takes over and checks out for rest. This is what happened last night: when I paused in this writing for a moments rest, it became hours of sleep instead. And so this message comes in later and a bit differently. Changing times ;)


My world of late has been very full, focussed in the now moment and on moving. Pausing to reflect I see shifts and changes, moment to moment, dancing back and forth: high-low, encouraged-frustrated, excited-calm, energized-tired, certain-uncertain, known-unknown, appearing-disappearing, beginning-ending. A dance with the powers of mutability (currently 7 planets in mutable signs – including Saturn & Neptune which forms the last of three squares tomorrow).


In the last few days, the moments, and the moments to moments, have felt rather magnified or somehow exaggerated. It seems so at least as I notice the roving of my critical eye and an increased desire for things to be ‘right.’ I shift again, into the now moment, and hold a positive frame. Ahh, yes, Jupiter moves from detail-critical Virgo to Libra balance.


And here we are now with waxing half-lit Moon in Sagittarius. Jupiter has joined Venus in Libra (the balance). We are at about the halfway point of Mercury retrograde period; and at the midpoint between eclipses. Energy at poignant moments, shifting and building. Time to feel into the between and ground in balance.


Move into the place of your confidence and the source of your loving flow (Moon in Sag). Release all doubt and fear, and embrace the beauty and bounty of you. Root deeply in Earth and receive nourishment. Gather your powers and encourage your seeds to emerge into manifest Being. Now is the time.


Find the points within the web that
connect the threads that keep you fed


Find too the lines than anchor you
in light and grace and balance
and ground the beauty and the bounty
in all you choose now to enhance


By sea and river, lake, pond and stream
imagine in your heart’s fondest dream
Breathe deep of the refreshing air
and send forth all of your loving prayers


At beach, in meadow and in forest glen
step forth into your own personal zen
From this place now bring into form
that for which you were uniquely born


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you embody deep ground, energized connection, and empowered fire this waxing Moon.





IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Archer: Sculpture by Pierre LeFaguay | Jupiter from University of Manchester Centre for Astrophysics |

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