

Dark Moon Waxing

28.06.2014 in moon&sky

h20fem_woman-in-sparkling-waterx385EDGreetings of the waxing Dark Moon…


Sun in Cancer, Dark Moon in Cancer, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn in the watery realms as well. Yes, a big showing in the water signs. Mercury still retrograde so timings may be unexpected ;).


Let it flow.


Yes, sensitivity may increase and emotions may be intensified. Emotions  may be of many kinds; remember that among them  are feelings of compassion and empathy. Sense-you-all. Water and Cancer are all about feeling.


It is a deep feminine wisdom time. Both Cancer and the Dark Moon time call us to create space and time for resting, feeling, nourishing, nurturing, rejuvenating. Seek what you need inside.


Feel into the flow of water. Seek out ocean, lake, stream. Stand in the rain; dance barefoot in the dew. If these things are not possible, have a bath, a shower, myst yourself with scented water. Refresh. Cleanse. Let go. Step in to the flow.


Here in the North with summer full, the land is abundant. This is time to Love All Things. It is a fully sensual. A time to deeply sense you and all.


Breathe in the scent of the soil, fresh grasses, herbs, fruits and flowers.
Taste the sweet and fresh delights
See the beauty in many wondrous forms.
Feel water running through hands, flowing over your body, cloaking you in its liquid grace.
Listen to the sounds of tide on shore, trickling brooks, wind in the trees.
Feel the wind’s caress.
Feel the heat of the sun, and the flame. Be warmed by the fire within.


And in the dark, look to the sky. In this time before the first thin moon crescent appears, consider, What sparkles draw you near? What stars within you do you wish to bring out to shine this cycle? Wonder…


And as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Sacred Action: Solstice & Waning Moon

19.06.2014 in theme

summer_solstice-mask_MIRRORSacred ACTion. Waning Moon and Solstice


Solstice, the longest day in the North; the longest night in the South. Light and dark side by side just as the Last Quarter  moon


As you honor this time of Last Quarter Moon and the Solstice, I invite you to nourish yourself with the feminine energies of the waning moon, in the deep earth of you.


Also step into the bright radiant light of you at Solstice to honor and celebrate all that has been, and all that is to come.


Honor and invite the deepening of your feminine wisdom.
Honor and invite openness to receiving
Honor and invite the strengthening of ways to be in balance and in flow
Honor and invite greater connection with the gifts that are yours
Honor and invite all the ways you have of giving and receiving love.
Honor and invite the engaging of the Heart-truth-Being of you here, now.


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
Wisdom Wild
with Love & Light

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LastQ & Solstice Soon

19.06.2014 in moon&sky



P1030703_CROPx385wTxtHere we are at Last quarter Moon (exact at 1139 pdt). The half lit waning moon calls us again for balance.


Create time to pause, breathe, find balance at center. Fuel faith and trust in your Heart-truth.


Yes, I know it may be challenging. Lots of energy and movement through to the full moon, and then gathering, sorting and organizing all that has been gained and gleaned from the cycle. Sometimes so much that it may feel a bit ‘whelming, perhaps a bit confusing. There may also be a feeling of pressure, of a need to rush, as we move to the high light midpoint of the solar year.


And yes, there’s still a lot in the air (Gemini), probably lots in the mind, and lots of particular kinds of energies about ((Moon squares sun and Mercury today; Moon opposite Mars, conjuncts Uranus and square Pluto tomorrow; Mars now direct opposing Uranus for it’s 3rd pass in past 6 mos; Mercury retrograde; Saturday is Solstice and the Sun moves into Cancer. )


Take a breathe.


Let go of all the doings, must dos, not sure what to dos, and full mind. Release anything that is an irritant or just plain no longer serves. Trim away and weed out what is no longer needed.


It’s time to pause. Feel in to center. Rest in the ‘between’, half light, half dark. It is the beginning of the ending of the cycle. We move again into the more feminine energy of the waning moon. Time to allow a slowing and a moving within.


Let that which is to be released drift away or be put out for composting. Reflect on the fruit that has been harvested. Feel the blessings.


Sink into the rich soils of you and feel the warm embrace of foundation. Breathe magic into the soil that will fuel new seeds now slowly, invisibly forming, in preparation for the next cycle.


Breathe. Pause. Move inward into the warm heart of you. Embrace and honor the All of you.


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
Wisdom Wild
with Love & Light

* And please DO check out the next postSacredACTion: Solstice & the Waning Moon. Pause, Breathe, Honor & Invite.

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Sagittarius Full Moon

12.06.2014 in moon&sky

heart-moon-gate2Greeting of Sagittarius Full Moon (exact 2112 pdt)


The energy is full. Gemini Air fans Sagittarius fire and it is not long until Solstice, the Solar cycle high in the Northern Hemisphere.


A lot of energy, a lot of movement, a lot of fullness.


Sagittarius sees the big picture and lends support to this fullness. Our ‘seeds’ are now deeply rooted and shoots have burst forth and extended their reach. Under the light of the Full Moon, soon approaching longest day of solar light in the North, the landscape is fully revealed and provides us with an expansive view of all that has been planted and nourished.


Mercury in retrograde (since June 7) calls us to step back and expand our view even further and, in trine with Neptune (retrograde June 9), gifts us even more awakening.


Energies of the Grand Water trine help us ground our love (Jupiter-Cancer), unlock stuck places (Saturn-Scorpio), release and heal deeply (Chiron-Pisces). Draw in this feminine water wisdom. Surrender. Receive. Express self compassion. Draw on your senses and open to abundance (Venus in Taurus) and call in your passion (Saturn in Scorpio). Feel in to new life flows.


Breathe in the expansive space. Look out on all you have planted. Flow into the rivers the move and sparkle within. Note the marks you have made this cycle and that which you know will live long to come.


It is time now to embrace and gather up all you wish to claim and take forward.
Time now to celebrate all that has been born this cycle, and all the learning that has been gained.
Time to express thanks for what has come and what is to come.


Mark also that this Full Moon is a rare moment. As you know, full moon energy extends for a couple of days either side of exact. This Full Moon reach includes Friday the 13th. (The last time a full moon occurred on Friday the 13th was in March 1998; before that was in June 1919). Thirteen, the number of transformation and change. At 22 degrees; 22 is a master number, peace. And both add to four: strong grounding. Grounded change and transformation.


What rare moment will you create for yourself under this Moon? Imagine…


Stand at night under the Full Sagittarius Moon. Take the form of Archer and raise your bow.
Send an arrow to each of the compass directions – North, East, South, West.


sag-tales_crop_x385Send an arrow of releasing.
Send an arrow of calling
Send an arrow of proclaiming
Send an arrow of compassion
Send an arrow of wishing
Send an arrow of thanksgiving.
Release them all in wonder.


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light.

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WisdomWild: Ocean + Gibbous waxing

08.06.2014 in theme

moon-ocean_EDITx385xTXTI reach out to you this day under a waxing Gibbous Moon on a day that lights the need for our awareness, caring, honoring and action for Ocean, my favorite elemental form.


It’s World Ocean Day. This idea was first proposed in 1992 by the government of Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro; it was recognized by the United Nations in late 2008. Now many gather in celebration and in deed to honor and support this so core life system.


May you take a moment this day (and every day if you would) to honor Ocean. She who generates most of the oxygen we breathe, feeds us, serves to regulate climate, offers unending wonder and wisdom. She who connects us all.


Hear my blessings upon you,
My great abounding gratitude for you
You who teach me about waves and tides and rhythms
You who receive my joy and my tears
You who hold and cradle me
You who splash playfully to awaken me
You who take back my sandcastles and stacks of rocks
delighting me in the forever transforming.

I love and cherish you more than words can speak,
More than songs can sing,
More than touch can express,
in every sound, sight, taste, breathe and feel of you,
I love you more.

May all minds, hearts and hands awaken and embrace you
A cherished one to be loved, protected, honored and celebrated.
May it be so this day and everyday.

om shanti om




Under this Gibbous Moon, come into synchronicity with creative solutions, and keep focus on forward movement as well as on your own personal unfolding journey.

Imagine your heroic face arriving through the portal expressing victorious spirit and exclaim yes! HER-Oh-I-Csee.

And, as always,



Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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