

Moon Dark-New in Taurus

14.05.2018 in Uncategorized

Greetings of Moon Dark-New (exact @ 0448 PDT) in Taurus


 — Grounding essence, vision and freedom


These are very Earthy times (6 planets now in Earth signs; 4 in Taurus). A very strong call to ground deeply; and to enjoy the sensual delights and beauty of Earth.


Moon dark-new in Taurus invites us to appreciate all that we have and all that we do to nurture and protect what we value. Time too to tune to the essence of all that we desire; and to create radiant dreams and glowing visions of our aspirations.


There is some shifting afoot that provides opportunities to elevate the work. Just a few hours after Moon dark-new, Uranus moves into Taurus. After 7+ years in Aries initiating action for change, we now enter a time of learning how to ground and sustain the changes. We are also being urged to delve deeper into Earth’s mysteries, electrify ancient wisdoms, and develop future visions that honor legacy, creativity, freedom and presence.


  • Uranus in Taurus will be an interesting dance. Uranus is the awakener, liberator, and change-maker seeking to bring down old forms and find new ways for greater and greater respect and freedom. Taurus rather likes security, stability, routine, and comfort. I expect each archetype will inform the other in our personal and collective evolution. So many gifts.


Ultimately, we are called to take risks in order to feel stronger and more securely connected to source, Earthly and divine. The emphasis is on personal and collective liberation; and a new vision of the future (Uranus shift+ Mars>Aquarius tonight). The timing is purr-fect with Moon dark-new. Now is the time to dream in, craft an emboldened vision, and plant intentions ever more precisely aligned with Earth and Cosmos.


This Moon dark-new, delight in the sensual
Explore essences multidimensional

Find seeds that hold what’s most profound
Plant them deeply in rich, firm ground

What you love is your decision
Hone your vision with precision

Hands in soil, feet on Earth
claim your transcendent rebirth


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you the discover of presence, essence, deep sense,
and transcendent visioning this Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Bulls : cut & modified from photo by (I think) Marino Cano (found on pinterest)

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Aquarius

07.05.2018 in moon&sky

Greetings of the Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1909 PDT)  in Aquarius

— ground, release, realign, dream


There’s a mix of energies tossing about, now and upcoming. It feels a bit like walking on a beach on a windy day watching the waves chopped to white and being sprayed by the mists. Exhilarating, glorious, life-affirming, uncertain, surprising. A desire to fly into the winds; a desire to stay firm where you stand (Aqua Moon, Taurus Sun). And this is the challenge of the times: to be both down to earth, as well as open and adaptable. Expect the unexpected.


The waning Moon calls us to review, release, clear-away and prepare for the new Moon to come. With other significant shiftings upcoming (Mercury & Uranus>Taurus; Mars >Aquarius) the pull is even stronger. This is a time to do more than the day-to-day cleaning. It is a time to challenge our ways of thinking and doing. A time to look more deeply into the nooks and crannies for whatever thoughts, old scripts, beliefs and/or patterns inhibit creative, joyful, playful ways of Being (Pluto square Mercury).


Yes, the journey may challenge our confidence at times, especially when things get a bit foggy or uncertain, (Venus square Neptune) but there is potential now to discover new insights, and uncover new secrets and mysteries hidden inside (Pluto Square Mercury). We are supported with ease, warmth, positivity, and nurturance for this inquiry into the deeper aspects of life (Moon square Jupiter). Feel into a tender, nurturing embrace, discover a new center, and realign.


Waning Moon half-lit asks you to pause and
review again what you create and cause


Life Waters flow from you unto you
twisting and turning with your point of view


Shift perspective and look with wise eyes
Analyze, empathize and revise


Feel deep into Source and realign
with all that shines in the grand design


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you insight-full discovery
and joy-full re-alignments this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image Water-bearer: cut & modified from image by Jake Baddeley |

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Moon Full in Scorpio

29.04.2018 in moon&sky

180429_COMP2Test-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Full (exact @1758 PDT) in Scorpio


deep diving, potent transforming


This is a warm, rich, deep, powerful Moon time. The fullness of light reveals what has been hidden, and also deepens the darkest shadows into which Scorpio always seeks to inquire. We delve underneath, into the core, attaining new insights and gaining new clarity. Together with Sun in Taurus, we are invited to reach into both the tangible and the intangible; the seen and the unseen; and to expand our understanding and connections within skin and soul.


Energy surges for purging and going emotionally deep (Mars-Pluto, co-rulers of Scorpio, tight conjunction). Intuition and imagination are magnified (Moon & Jupiter trine Neptune) and creativity soars (Venus in Gemini) Concentration and persistence increase (Sun/Moon trine Saturn) and enable us to stay the course and step more fully onto a new, evolutionary path. Earthy energy (4 planets in Earth signs) helps us to stay grounded and balanced. The Waters help to ensure release and flow.


Yes, we are called to feel into the full range of emotions, and to love all of self, both Light and shadow. Moving ahead the emphasis on planning and taking steps towards all that brings peace of mind and heart-felt joy. It is time to honor body and Spirit; nurture our hearts; and expand the power of self-love, compassion and acceptance. Time to honor, celebrate and connect deeply with all we Be and intend to Be.


Delve into the shadows bright Moon makes deep
Unveil what’s been kept unseen or asleep


Embrace all that is revealed inside your heart
new skin- and soul-sources to fuel all your arts


Nourish your Eagle at the goddess’ bowl
Enrich your magicks with food for the Soul


From the shadows into the Light
upon fresh wings soar in new flight


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light




Wishing you the blessings of deep diving and
new/renewed alignment of mind, body, heart and Soul this Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Eagle-Phoenix: from Phoenix Cremation Jewellery| Eagle & Goddess: cut & modified form source N/A

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Waxing Moon Half-Lit in Leo

22.04.2018 in moon&sky

Greetings of Waxing Moon Half-Lit (exact @1446 PDT) in Leo


… cosmic fire, soul-deep blessings


This feels to be a very positively powerful time. Various Earth-Sky aspects indicate that soul-deep awakening and healing – personal and global – is underway. Already there is a sense of forward movement and progress (waxing Moon & recent Mercury direct) as energy gathers for fullness. We are invited to open our hearts, tune to cosmic alchemy, and fuel discipline, diligence and patience.


Taurus Sun calls us to be soothed by our senses; to open our hearts and souls to sensuality, serenity, and, most especially, Beauty. Taurus also empowers stability, discipline, diligence and patience. Together, Taurus Sun and courageous, big-hearted Leo Moon are partners in creating abundance. Prepare to allow in a bounty of blessings.


Yes, we may have to back-track a bit (Saturn-retrograde) but Moon half-lit is a good time to pause and reflect. Take stock, review plans, and ensure things are in right order. A new route or re-resourcing may be needed to move further forward on the ‘right’ path. In any case, it makes sense to move at a slower pace over the next few months (Pluto retrograde this a.m.). There are increased opportunities for personal growth, enhanced performance and transformation (Pluto-R + Pluto and Jupiter in fortunate relation throughout the year). The potential changes are evolutionary and soul-deep. It is wise to take the time to be fully present to the possibilities.


A particularly significant recent shift is Chiron’s move into Aries. At the global level, Chiron is now focussed on healing masculine energy; for the individual, on increasing self-confidence and positive expressions of assertiveness. Chiron is a healer at the soul level. In Aries Chiron brings a cosmic healing Fire (especially targeting old, unhealed core wounds). The healing tool-kit expands and healing on all levels accelerates. The primary keys are Fire, Light, Sunshine and self-healing. Yes, sit by the fire, light candles, work with all colors of light, bathe in sunshine, and turn to self more than others for healing.


Open to changes deep within the soul (Pluto-R) and healing at the soul level (Chiron in Aries). Soothe the soul with your senses, and use the body as an alchemical instrument (Taurus Sun). Welcome in the Light this waxing Moon.


Waxing Moon half-lit and the skies are alive
with blessings that open us to further thrive


Within the richness of the Earth-material
and the gifts of the Cosmic ethereal
open to the possibility of miracles


Blessings and bounty surge to arise
Transformed deep in the Soul, Spirit flies


Fueled by Earth, Fire, Light and Sunshine
step into the design divine


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a bounty of Earthy and Cosmic blessings this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Sekhmet: Cut & modified from image by H. Bruton on paganspace | Lion: cut from composite Wallpaper

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Moon Dark-New in Aries

15.04.2018 in moon&sky

180415_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @1857 PDT) in Aries


… rebirth, action, transformation


This past cycle has been challenging (Merc-R square Mars & Saturn) and, for many, the desire for energetic shift, change, and freedom is high. NOW is the time!


Welcome new Moon, bringer of regeneration, renewal and rebirth. And this Moon is especially charged (1st new Moon of the astrol year + other connections). She triggers a number of favorable transits (esp Venus alignments) and carries the elements of wildness and surprise (Moon conjunct Uranus). It is time for positive change and new beginnings.


Aries energy (4 planets now in Aries) lights the Fire for change and reawakens and empowers our inner warrior/champion. Whatever hampered, was weak or flawed or untrue, is now burned away. New perspectives are eager to be born (Merc > direct) and translated into action, not just during this lunar cycle but in the times to come (slow moving planets are shifting soon: Chiron in 2 days; Uranus in a month). It is time of fresh starts, rising energy, and action.


Passion, desire, courage and will are strengthened (Sun & Moon square Pluto) and a yearned-for transformation cannot be denied. There is support to provide focus, discipline and persistence to harness Arian Fire (Mars in Cap) and enhance flexibility (Uranus in Aries). And during this new Moon, Venus enhances pleasure (Venus opp Jupiter) love, passion, sensuality (Venus trine Mars & Pluto), inspiration and spirituality (Venus Neptune). Create space to invite Light and Spirit to flood in. Re-imagine how you wish to live and Be.


Now is the time to plant seeds that hold the truth, wisdom and passion of your inner Being. Seeds of rebirth and renewal and transformation for ourselves and for All. And, given Chiron and Uranus are shifting soon, lets also plant seeds to surprise and delight! ;)


At Moon dark-new be still, breathe, and pause
see newly what to create and cause


With heart and soul walk hand in hand
Survey all that is in the lands


Down in the spiraling deep
Connect with all within your keep


Change and shift is come
Make your wish for the long run


With courage and faith reach into the Fire
Create all you wish to have transpire


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you renewed energy, sweet transformation,
and wondrous seeding this Moon











IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Ram: Cut & modified from Tattoo Designs | Athena: from Guide Voyage

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