

Gemini 1stQ Moon

25.02.2015 in moon&sky

150225_comp1x385Greetings of the 1st Quarter Moon in Gemini.


I had hoped the sky would clear so I could get a good photograph of the Moon but, alas,  clouds hid Hir from view. Much like how many things appear to be these days. Sometimes bright and clear and calling for being out in the world; other times a calling again to be internal and cocooned.


Here in the northern hemisphere we are teased by sunshine days and then cloud and mists return. Spring is not quite here and winter not quite gone. A pivotal time. A time when I would love to dive into spring but I am also drawn to continue to spend time in the winter cave.


Perhaps it is the Gemini energy: the faces of dreams and reality facing each other. Perhaps it is that Gemini wants to contain free-flowing Pisces and I am resisting. Perhaps it is that Venus and Mars are both now in firey Aries: gentle, demure Venus, and pushing-for-action Mars. … Perhaps.


Notice what is stirring within you and in the world. Be like tiny fishes searching in the nooks and crannies Look again at the dreams you awakened at the new Moon..Imagine them newly into being.


Become fully present to the moment. Breathe. Listen deeply to Heart Wisdom. Be at ease with ripening to come in ways you may not yet know.


Give beauty, joy, and grace your focus and attention and give them reign.


Yes, nourish all these in the centre of you and give them form in your surround.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Dark/New Moon + Wood Sheep Year

18.02.2015 in moon&sky

150218_comp1-2x385Greetings of New Moon, Pisces and Wood Sheep Year!
Many wonders to unfurl.


This Moon is the 5th of five consecutive new Moons at 00 degrees (exact at 1547pst ). Just moments later, this 2nd new Moon of the year in Aquarius shifts into Pisces along with the Sun. Now begins the Wood Sheep Year. Portals of the Moon, of the Sun, and of the Spirit now opening.


The energy of this time (astrological, numerological, seasonal, and more) is about both beginnings and endings. It is a time to breathe out fully, to release and clear space for the new.


Breathe now deeply in…. and let go. Breathe again to open an expansive place and let your Spirit flow.


Energies of Aquarius and Pisces invite and support our calling to the greatest good for all (Mercury, Vesta, Sun and Moon in Aquarius) and to wise compassion and nurturing of ourselves (Neptune, Chiron, Venus and Mars in Pisces). Sweet sheep provides time to branch out and explore. It is a gentle year to strengthen and deepen foundations, and to imagine into form the calling of the Soul.


See the spiraling horns of the Ram as a symbol of creativity, imagination and innovation. Look into the eyes of the new born lamb and feel the softness of hir fur. Strength and gentleness. Art and Beauty. Joy and Compassion. Gifts for us each and All.


Be still now and anchor creativity deeply. Flow into the void both empty and full. Open now to dreaming in the mystery. Welcome the magick, the Beauty and the Joy. Nourish these this lunar year.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Beauty Focus 5: wholeness

16.02.2015 in reflections

150217_beautyFocus5Beauty Focus 5


The almost last sliver Moon greeted the pink dawn sky. Just one day until Moon Dark.


Today I choose the Beauty of whole systems as my focus.


I wonder what new sparkles and whispers may appear deep in the heart of Moon dark.


What beauty will you carry into Moon dark? I wonder

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Beauty Focus 4: Lightness

15.02.2015 in reflections

150216_BeautyFocus4Beauty Focus 4.


A sliver of the waning Moon appeared in the dawn sky and has now vanished in the clear blue sunny day.


It is the releasing time.


I choose as my Beauty focus this day, the Lightness of Being. Air, breathe, feather.


What is your Beauty focus this day I wonder…

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Beauty Focus 3: Earth

14.02.2015 in reflections

150212-17_beauty11-spencer-byles-110Beauty Focus 3.

Moon is less than 25% lit.

Time to begin slowly spiraling into the land of Moon Dark, grounding in Earth Truth of you

What heart-warm wonders is your spiral walk opening this day?


[Art by Spencer Byles] no comment