

Deepening Wane

16.11.2014 in moon&sky

Blessings of the deepening Moon wane141116_moonP1050085x385+Txt


It’s been some time since my last my wifi connection…


Yes, Virginia, there are places with ‘no bars’ (for internet or phone ;))


I greet you from the road, now two days past the last quarter moon. The LastQ moon; a time to pause and to complete; time to begin the releasing and to slow; to become more restful…


141116_sealP1050040x300wTXTYesterday I watched elephant seals as they basked on the beach taking their rest. One or another would curl a tail or raise a fin; now there a head rises, a woofing sound, a belly waddle onward, as if moved by whatever was being dreamed. Seal Wisdom calls us to attend to imagination and insight both in waking and in dreaming; to experience deeply both the inner and the outer worlds. A natural ebb and flow like the rhythms of the tides. How perfect this timing…


141116_zebra-P1050056LIT-CROPx385-wTXTJust minutes down the road, I had to look twice to believe: Zebras! Yes, truly. Zebras who were brought to the land many many years ago and now have acclimatized and live as a wild and expanding herd. Apparently it’s rare to see them so close to the road but there they were. The wisdom: Stand strong, trust, and simply flow with the rhythm of a new creation.


141116_sunriseP1050080x300-wTXTThis morning I woke to glorious predawn sky. As the light slowly rose I saw above a vulture land atop the tallest tree. A time of remembering to honor the service, no matter how small, that we each offer to one another and to Earth.


The Moon will be but 25% lit just after midnight (pst) tonight. The harvest is in and now is time for releasing, for slowing down, for simplifying, and for gently preparing the entry way into Moon Dark.


As you move into the deepening dark, I invite you to reflect on the wisdom and callings of Seal, Zebra & Vulture, creatures of sea, land and sky. What insights have you gained from experiences outside and within? What might you imagine flowing into being? I wonder. What new ways may you explore to


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Taurus Full Moon

06.11.2014 in moon&sky


Greetings of the Full Taurus Moon! (exact at 1423 pst)


Today has been full indeed and I have at least two reasons to celebrate. First, we have made it to Healdsburg, our first target location. Second, today was graduation day for Color of Woman; it was a day full of celebration, honoring, gratitude and ritual.


So much is illuminated under the light of the full Moon. By this light we are aided in seeing all that we hold, and also  want may still be needed for completion.


Now under a Taurus full Moon, dreams and wishes are energized and may be drawn with greater ease into reality.


It is time to see and feel into the fullness of you and the life you are creating. Time to honor and appreciate all that you have gathered and all that you hold.


Sun in Scorpio conjuncts Venus in Scorpio (and Mercury returns to Scorpio this weekend).  More watery times; feelings rise up like the fullness of the tides and are expressed in high waves on the shore. What is being called for expression from within you? What forms will you use to express your creative self?


Jupiter squares Sun, Moon and Venus: expansion. Together, full Moon, Venus and Jupiter overflow with abundance energy. Draw this energy into your being. Fuel your roots. Drink in the nourishment of the Light. Breathe deeply and feel the spacious expansiveness of your heart-truth and the wisdom you hold.


Radiate with the inner and manifest abundance of you; you, fully illumined under the Taurus Moon.  Yes, lluminated Ones,


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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1stQ and Samhain Eve

30.10.2014 in moon&sky, turnings


Greetings of the 1st Quarter Moon, the day 141030_x385wbefore Samhain and half way between Equinox and Solstice.


I am writing a longer post here today and it is  quite full!


Today I speak to you of journeys new, the Moon, and Samhain.



Personal Journeying
Tomorrow another journey among journeys begins as we (Ramdha & I) head off towards California in our new/old home on wheels. The home is new to us but almost 29 years lived. Some of the creaking and cracking of age has been tended, and more to be done, but for now, she is way-ready. She is like Crystal (the van I had in my 20s) and I have named her both Whisper (for there were many whisperings to heed this call) and Wings (for that is what I sense she’ll provide ;))


We did an overnight ‘road test’ earlier this week; it was Ramdha’s first time in the van and on the road. He was brilliant! Unconcerned by the harness he wore, he took a quick look around and settled into my lap. As we walked down the city  street, he sat in a basket over my arm without seeking to get out (which would be his usual tendency). When we reached the place of my appointment, he checked around for a few minutes and then, again, came to my lap. When it was time to leave, he climbed into the basket on his own waiting for my readiness to depart. (Amazing!).


141030_Ramdha-P1040441CROP_x300wLater, out on the highway at dark, we had our first ‘adventure.’ It was the result of “Uh-Oh, the headlights aren’t working. Uh-Oh, neither are the turn signals. What the…Fudgecake!?” Now I’m in a forced right; who knows where we’re going. Longer story short, via back access we enter a car dealership to find out how to get back on the highway and there also to inquire if anyone might know what the problem might be. There were no mechanics on duty but five men came to variously test and puzzle and scratch heads over the manual. The normally “what’s goin’ on?” Ramdha just sat calmly on the back bench unperturbed.


No solution was determined but we discover that holding the highbeam bar up would at least give me light. With thanks and directions, we made our way back to the highway. And then I saw light reflecting back at me; my lights. Confirmed. Yup, lights working, low, high, signals, back-ups. Go figure. Still working (but I think I’ll avoid night driving)


Looking forward to the journey ahead. However, it does mean relatively less e-connection that usual. It will be interesting how things unfold beginning the day after 1st Q Moon.


1st Q moon
141030_Samhain 2009_P1070003_wSig50_x300Tonight there will be a half lit waxing Moon (exact at 1948 pdt). Light and dark in equal measure. Time to pause and reflect.


By now the sparks and whispers of inspiration and direction have been formed into intentions and action has begun. It is a time for fueling and building that which you want to bring into being. What is it you seek to bring more or newly into being under the waxing Moon? What brave steps are you into these new forms and ways of Being? Take a moment to celebrate the courage of your journey. It is time.


The First Quarter Moon is the time of the Warrior Maiden and the time when a doorway opens to other places. Tonight is the eve of Samhain (Halloween,Hallows Eve) when the veil between us and ‘other places’ is thin. What doors to other places would you like to open? What do you want to discover? What questions would you like to ask? Imagine the conversation. Listen. Listen to the answers, that support your greatest good. Feel into the wisdom shared. Fill your heart with expanding Light. Take the time to pause.




141030_Samhain_Heart2013_x385Samhain is the time of year when the veil is thin between the worlds of the living and the dead. A time to to remember and honor all those who have gone before. This year I have added many to my Altar of Remembering: Ayla, Maya, Eleanor, Sue, Robin … The Altar has been very full for quite some years; in my world, leavings began when I was very young. I sit with them, telling and listening to stories. This year there will be so many new guests and for these, the tears of loss are still very close and fresh. It is as is meant to be. I invite…I remember… I release… Remember. Release. And we sit together with all that has been and is and can be. I welcome the heart warm visiting.


Yes, it is time to remember those we love who have passed, this year and before, allowing both tears of love and of sadness to flow.


Time to remember and honor the sacred cycle of life, death, rebirth and regeneration.


Time to celebrate the births this year, new beings, new insights, new makings, and our own vital connections to the Earth and each other.


Time to remember that birth, growth, death and renewal are all of of a cycle that plays over and over again through natural systems and human lives. Death is no barrier to love, and every ending brings a new beginning


141030_Samhain-CatPumpkin2007_x300‘Tis the season of the witch!


All is well, Halloween is here. Souls come to visit and the living world throws a party to mingle with those that have gone before. We share together, and warm cold hands at the hearth.


Wishing you a playful and ghostly-guised Halloween warmed by fond memories, soft reflection and joyful laughter! It is time.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Scorpio Dark Moon + partial Solar eclipse

23.10.2014 in eclipse, moon&sky

141023_Eclipse_solar1410-1_ED2x385wWe are at Moon dark, on the day of a partial solar eclipse, and just 8 days until we are half way between Equinox and Solstice.


Despite the moon waning time through which we have just passed, the season, both north and south, calls us to activity. In the north, the last gatherings, the storing away, the finishing up, and other inward preparations for the season of the Dark. In the south the opening, the refreshing, the first planting, the planning, the beginnings of moving outward and into a season of increasing light.


141023_P1040473_x300Here it is as if I stand in both times. I have flowers just budding open; one emerging as if to greet spring; another cluster bloom stands pink-white against the dried brown and rust of all the leaves and flowers of the bush from which it has branched. I am fall-acting in projects and in house, and spring-acting in preparations for a new journey and adventure heading south.


Yes, cycles spin in different timings and in different rhythms. Sunrise to sunrise, Dark Moon to Full and back; season to season tripping around the sun; and other cycles longer still, in series of multiple years extending and extending the point of view. As we know, there are points and zones of alignments and oppositions as planets’ orbits move in rings with one another. In similar and different ways, they are like offerings and opportunities to reflect and ponder about movement and change and Being.


Today Sun and Moon are in Scorpio (at 00 degrees). Venus as also moved into Scorpio and joins Sun and Moon (at 00 degrees). Venus is in harmony with Mars and Neptune (also joined with Sun and Moon at 00 degrees). The harmony of Mars and Venus provides such wonderful balancing energy for the masculine and feminine within. All together, an empowering of beauty, abundance and love, and especially for our inner work. Yum!


And all those 0’s! ‘0′: a circle; the cycle of life; nothing and everything. 00 like a pair of eyes, said to be windows of the soul. And gracious! All this Water! Scorpio Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn; Pisces Neptune and Chiron. Wow! Scorpio, deep water, deep emotion, deep transformational seas. Pisces, the meandering river, compassionate, healing, dreaming . What a lovely pairing at this time of high tides, waves, water flows (and it’s sure been pouring down around here) and so many currents. Movement, change, creation. Yes indeed, Let Go, Let it flow. Magic is afoot… or is it a-fin?


I really love the time-space point of view the Moon provides: more expansive than the day to day, but not so ‘big’ as a full year or more. It is for me an easy breathing kind of space in which to stand and be. A space which helps to see and hold the days; is big enough to see the more; and from which one can see enough behind and ahead to align, re-align, and pace the way to larger and longer journeying.


The Moon has recently been calling us to slow, to pause, to move inward. Now, at Moon dark it is time to be still. Even if there are calls to do elsewise, from the land or the worlds within which we walk, it is time to make space for sinking into this pause. Time to ground strongly and move deeply into stillness and into the void both empty and full. (We are supported in this by all those 0s too). The partial eclipse of Sun also calls us to this blessing (note: it is the last Scorpio eclipse until 2022); and Mercury will stand still Saturday before moving direct once again. I invite you to answer the calls.


It is time Dear Ones, no matter what else may call or pull you, to make space for pause. Time to empty oneself of everything and look into the void, well held. Time to step into and Be in the spacious and nourishing container such pause provides.


141023_P1040158_CROPx300wTXTFeel in. Release all that does not serve in this moment. Gain by letting go. Listen. Breathe.

Invite whispers and visions of that which serves you and the greatest good.

Let your soulful eyes see brand new beginnings of transformations that will last a long time.

Wonder at what the sparklings reveal and what the soundings hold.

Open to the creative forces within and dream deeply.

Let the space both empty and fill you as you follow your breathe and move with the tides.

See the beauty, feel the love, receive the abundance.

Let the magic unfold.


Oh do, Dear Ones, do make it so.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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Last Q Moon – between eclipses

15.10.2014 in moon&sky

141015_P1040413_edCROPx385wTXTGreetings of the Last Quarter Moon (exact at 1212 pdt)


Here the rains are pouring down unrelenting. Tapping on leaves, drumming on the roof, cascading down rock face, gathering in puddles that overflow abundantly into the sea.


Release, release, release,” Rain calls to me here in the North under a waning sun and Moon. I  breathe in the refresh.


Last night and in the early hours of morning, Moon shone softly through the water veil. I was surprised to see hir glow in the sky but ah, so it is in this season.


The half-lit Moon now waning calls us again to attend to balance and prepare for the deepening. It is time to pause and make space to release both whatever is no longer needed, and all thought of what has been. It is time to flow inward.


As we sit under this half light, half dark moon, we sit also between two eclipses – the full lunar eclipse of the Full Moon last week, and the partial solar eclipse to come at the new.


Prepare for the deepening, for the imagining, for the dreaming. Warm yourself by your heart-fire and look within.
What dances in the flames?
What glows in the orange, gold, white of the coals?
Where is it that you stand in the radiant being of you?



 I stand, root fibres reaching down
to encircle and immerse
in the golden molten core of Mother Earth.

 I drink up this elixir into my body-being,
through all the organs, tissues, veins, nerves and cells
deep into the bones where Herstoric wisdom dwells.

Rainbow chakras vibrate and beam,
receiving and sending gifts and givings
as the nectar rises
to caress seat and ignite womb,
empower weaving,
and fill heart with warmth and glow.
Toning next the throat and reflective brow,
following sweet lavender scents to and through my crown.

I merge into the heavens.
to greet the Moon, white shining sphere,
and on wings I mingle with the stars.
I dance in the milky way and with galaxies,
and shed my skin again, again, again.

Returning now to integrate and form,
golden nectar and sparkling effervescence,
descending white silver cord entwined with rising gold,
I spiral back to earthen core,
connecting, connected,

We just Be.


Deepen into the All that you Be. It is time to just Be. Yes,

Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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