Taurus Full Moon
06 Nov 2014, by moon&sky inGreetings of the Full Taurus Moon! (exact at 1423 pst)
Today has been full indeed and I have at least two reasons to celebrate. First, we have made it to Healdsburg, our first target location. Second, today was graduation day for Color of Woman; it was a day full of celebration, honoring, gratitude and ritual.
So much is illuminated under the light of the full Moon. By this light we are aided in seeing all that we hold, and also want may still be needed for completion.
Now under a Taurus full Moon, dreams and wishes are energized and may be drawn with greater ease into reality.
It is time to see and feel into the fullness of you and the life you are creating. Time to honor and appreciate all that you have gathered and all that you hold.
Sun in Scorpio conjuncts Venus in Scorpio (and Mercury returns to Scorpio this weekend). More watery times; feelings rise up like the fullness of the tides and are expressed in high waves on the shore. What is being called for expression from within you? What forms will you use to express your creative self?
Jupiter squares Sun, Moon and Venus: expansion. Together, full Moon, Venus and Jupiter overflow with abundance energy. Draw this energy into your being. Fuel your roots. Drink in the nourishment of the Light. Breathe deeply and feel the spacious expansiveness of your heart-truth and the wisdom you hold.
Radiate with the inner and manifest abundance of you; you, fully illumined under the Taurus Moon. Yes, lluminated Ones,
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light