

Half-lit waxing Moon in Leo

13.05.2016 in moon&sky

160513_COMP2-merge-CROP_x385Welcome 1st Quarter Moon (exact at 1002) in Leo
 . . . Take earthy action with love & courage


Waxing Moon naturally brings the feeling of rising energy and momentum. Jupiter, now direct (as of May 9), also helps us move forward, while earthy retrogrades and another Grand Earth Trine help to keep us grounded and connected to our inner resources.


Expect to feel uplifting, forward-looking energy more and more in the next couple of weeks (Moon triggers Jupiter square Saturn – 3rd of 3) both on personal and collective fronts (Moon again triggers Uranus-Pluto square). There’s lots of stimulation for momentum and transformational, evolutionary change. I suspect there will be a wellspring of gratitude for this movement! ( esp with Venus conjunct Merc-R today)


To all this Leo Moon brings the power and medicine of big-hearted love and courage. Drink deeply of the elixir. Feel also into the Magick of Friday the 13th – into freedom, unique expression, and divine connection!


Pause in the moment between dark and light
and give thanks for the simple pleasures
that make things feel right


Now consider the seeds and the songs you have sown
drawn out of your heart and out of your bones
to nourish yourself and all you hold dear
emerging for All to see and to hear


With love, courage and heart wisdom sight,
and the power of Moon now waxing bright,
Breathe into the Earth and to the sky send your roar.
It is time, Spirit Warrior, to leap and to soar!


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


  May you purr with love & courage this waxing Moon!



IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Lion cub: Cut from forwallpaper | Gerbera Flower: cut & modified from greeting card (photog unknown) |

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Moon Dark-New in Taurus

06.05.2016 in moon&sky

160506_COMP1_x800-merge-CROP_x385Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact at 1229 pdt) in Taurus
     Embody and express the Earthly realm


This new cycle is guided by Taurus and Venus (ruler of Taurus and next to Moon at this time). Taurus is about simple physical pleasures: movement, good food, and time in nature, and about our own sense of self-worth. Venus is about love, beauty and fertility, and about the ways we embrace and express her offerings. We are invited to bring our focus is to these Taurus/Venus gifts this Moon.


The Moon, supported by Venus and a Grand Earth Trine (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in Taurus with Jupiter in Virgo & Pluto in Capricorn) carries themes of grounding, stability, love, abundance, nurturance, and home and self caring.


Retrograde energies (still 5 planets retrograde) continue to draw us inward to review, renew and deeply reconnect with our inner resources. Moon dark-new welcomes this support for inner orientation/re-orientation.


Taurus wants us to engage deeply with our senses; to secure peace and inner contentment; to anchor and move desires , wishes, dreams and divine, heart-truth, into the physical realm. We are invited to look to our beliefs about ourselves, our gifts, and our inner resources and bring them forth.


With six planets now in Earth signs (four in Taurus) along with the Grand Earth Trine, there is a great flow of energy on the physical plane and many channels for creative expression. We have the opportunity to connect with Earth abundance with great ease. This may be one of the sweetest new Moons of the year.


Enter the stillness and shed your skin
It is time to realign with Self and Spirit kin


Look into the soils of your Being
for the forms that call to come forth
Receive the seeds that are singing
your unique embodied great worth


Plant them now and tend to them
with love and patience and compassion
Be birthed afresh in
the power of body and dear sweet Earth


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Personal message: Feather the Air


160506_P1010052-ED_x300This day we are again without planets in Air signs so…


Let’s take ourselves lightly this Moon.

Let’s remember to breathe slow- deep with attention and often.

Let us take to the air like Eagle flying high to see the broad view.

Let us be like Wren and see what is close to Earth hidden behind stone and shrub.

Let us gather life forces from beauty and flowers like Honey Bee.

Let us realign with our born-full state under this Taurus Moon.



May you embody Earthly contentment in abundance!
and ….

Happy Mothers day to Moms and to all nurturing spirits!


IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
‘Taurus’: Cut & modified img of Highland cow found on Pinterest; orig source uknown
*Feather painting: Fiona 2013

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Cross Quarter Blessings

04.05.2016 in moon&sky

Cross-Quarter Blessings





On May 4 (exact at 2130 pdt) we will be half-way between Equinox and Solstice. A time of rising in the North; a time of returning in the South.


Light golden and white, Earth and Cosmos woven with each breath and wish and dream and beat of heart and soul.


With all your senses, tune in to the intrinsic rhythm of creation. Open to awe and wonder.


May you embrace the blessings of the gifts of you and All.


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light

Wishing you all the blessings of the rhythms of Earth & Cosmos!





IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Cross-Quarter Image: 1: earth-gold component is a small crop from much larger image by Sam Killer. 2: Maypole wrap cropped from photo & colorized; 3: ribbons digitally created

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LastQ Moon in Aquarius

30.04.2016 in moon&sky

160429_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385Greetings of the waning
half-lit Moon
(exact 160428 @ 2029 pdt)

in Aquarius.

… Go slow and go within


Moon half-lit calls us to pause in the now moment, between what was and what may be, and find new balance. Moon in Aquarius invites us to attend to freedom, and to open to new perceptions and ways of doing and being.


Venus is now in Taurus (as of yesterday, Apr29 @1635pdt). Taurus values the practical present and earthy five-sensing. From these, Taurus strengthens our ability to ground. Venus brings beauty, love and trust into form. Together they invite us to be deliberate in honoring and expressing beauty. Such actions help us find our ground in any now moment. A recommended daily practice, especially in these retrograde times.


We now have five planets moving ‘backwards’ (3 in Earth signs, 2 in Fire). They too call us to live in the presence of the moment. Since retrograde energy moves more slowly, we may find ourselves attending to the now moment more easily or often (with intent or by accident). Yes, there may be stalls and delays, especially since Mercury just moved retrograde (April 28 at 1020pdt), but these in themselves may be seen as a means to call us into the present moment; to ground, and to rebalance. (*For more on this, see personal message below.)


With all the retrograde energy about, we have the opportunity to step back to reflect, remember, review, reconnect, refresh and a number of other ‘re’- endeavours. The focus is more internal than external. This step-back, move inward retreat, is the call of Moon’s deepening dark. It is time to connect with natural rhythms and nourish the wisdom held within.


Let go, let go
Move slow, move slow
Deepen ease and gentle flow


Reflect, remember
and be oh so tender
with self and other and all things wild
look after Self as a dear sweet child


Seek beauty in each and every soul
each person, creature, tree and rock
and in each and every place
enter deep into beauty’s sacred space


With hands on heart, breaths deep and slow
let inner knowing slowly unfurl


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light




Personal Message: Retrograde Tests & Trials


Over the last two days — since Mercury joined four other planets in retrograde — I have experienced a series of tests and trials, stalls and delays. First the incoming requests to change appointments and meetings (by an hour, a day, or weeks), with domino effects on other plans. Time to reflect, re-jig, and rebalance in order to move on again. Then the phones, internet and computer all ‘shorted out’ within minutes of each other. .. And the dog peed on the keyboard. Just kidding; I don’t have a dog. LOL.


Message received! Merc-R may play havoc with some things but the retrograde energies will find a way to get the message through:


Have patience. Go slow, go within, let go the status quo. If things get bumpy or shifts bring some discomfort, put your hands on your heart, take three deep breaths, and flow into the peace within. Rest and nourish self with gentleness and wisdom in the deepening dark.


May you be nourished by peace and beauty in the deepening dark!






IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Aquarius Woman: modified & colorized from a tattoo at Zodiac Tattoo |  Sky background: adapted from wall paper from pageResource |

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Creature Teacher: Eagle

22.04.2016 in creatures


On April 21, 2016, at the Full Moon in Scorpio, we are again without any planets in Air signs. Today our winged teacher is Eagle. Eagle is one of the three forms held by Scorpio: Eagle, Scorpion, & Lizard (or Snake).


Eagle medicine is about the power of becoming more than we appear to be now. It’s about illuminating Spirit, and about healing and creation.


Eagle walks between the material and the spiritual realms and connects them both. She dives deep, and soars high. A carrier of prayers; a patient hunter; a swallower of wisdom; and a divined winged Spirit.


Invite Eagle to inspire and guide ways of Being.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light

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