Half-lit waxing Moon in Leo
13 May 2016, by moon&sky inWelcome 1st Quarter Moon (exact at 1002) in Leo
. . . Take earthy action with love & courage
Waxing Moon naturally brings the feeling of rising energy and momentum. Jupiter, now direct (as of May 9), also helps us move forward, while earthy retrogrades and another Grand Earth Trine help to keep us grounded and connected to our inner resources.
Expect to feel uplifting, forward-looking energy more and more in the next couple of weeks (Moon triggers Jupiter square Saturn – 3rd of 3) both on personal and collective fronts (Moon again triggers Uranus-Pluto square). There’s lots of stimulation for momentum and transformational, evolutionary change. I suspect there will be a wellspring of gratitude for this movement! ( esp with Venus conjunct Merc-R today)
To all this Leo Moon brings the power and medicine of big-hearted love and courage. Drink deeply of the elixir. Feel also into the Magick of Friday the 13th – into freedom, unique expression, and divine connection!
Pause in the moment between dark and light
and give thanks for the simple pleasures
that make things feel right
Now consider the seeds and the songs you have sown
drawn out of your heart and out of your bones
to nourish yourself and all you hold dear
emerging for All to see and to hear
With love, courage and heart wisdom sight,
and the power of Moon now waxing bright,
Breathe into the Earth and to the sky send your roar.
It is time, Spirit Warrior, to leap and to soar!
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you purr with love & courage this waxing Moon!
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Lion cub: Cut from forwallpaper | Gerbera Flower: cut & modified from greeting card (photog unknown) |