

Waxing ‘Half’ Moon

06.02.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the 1st Quarter Moon!IMG_140205HalfWaxP


The  Half-lit Moon (@ 1122h pst) is that point of equal light and dark of the moon. Think of it as a midpoint between past and future with the now waxing moon calling us forward.


It is time to commit more fully to whatever intention or direction you have chosen. Listen to your inner wisdom calling you to grow,  and weed out the voices wanting you to hold back.


Past and future may get entangled with one another around this ‘half’ moon waxing time –  especially since Mercury goes retrograde this afternoon and appears to go ‘backwards.’  Yes, it’s not uncommon for communications and technology to get a bit ‘grumpled’ during MercR but also what an opportunity!


This moon time calls for re-viewing, re-thinking, re-working, re-wiring and MercR can highlight some areas for attention ;).  Step ‘back’ and attend to the details. If you’ve ‘seen it before’ choose an action that clears or transforms or in some way moves you into greater alignment with your intention/direction.


Take time to pause, reflect, and then, Peaceful Warrior within, be bold in creating, calling forth, and receiving  what you love, dream and desire!


And, as always,
Nurture your Nature
With Love & Light,

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Imbolc 2014

03.02.2014 in turnings

I hear whispers of springIMG_snowDrops_P1020585
“I am returning
I am beginning
I am emerging”

Have no doubt, no uncertainty
Though in some places
the sky may be grey
and the land still bare,
The wheel is turning and
Spring will soon be fully here

It is Time to celebrate
increasing light and renewal
above, below and within
and the sun born again
in the sky and wood aflame.

Time to be thankful
for all that is given us –
Earth Air Fire Water Spirit –
To nourish ourselves and all our kin

Time now also to tend and feedIMG_heartFire_P1020135
The fire in our hearts
So we may understand the mystery
The possibility
and all that lies within.

Gathered in Heart Fire Circle
We plant and nourish
Wishes Dreams and Desires
and Bless the red threads
that join us all together as one.



The journey way to Full Spring

A time for cleansing
A time for grounding
A time for seeding
A time to ask questions
each of us will answer differently

What is the fire in my heart?
How do I keep it burning?
How do I tend my own heart/h fire?
For whom would do I light this fire?

I answer.
“I tend the fire
For me. For You. For Us.
For Earth. For Spirit.
For all that is sacred. “

Tend to your heart fire
as if you were tending Spring
with wonder
with reverence
with love
for all that it brings.

Blessed be. Ho!


May we bring our hearts and visions together
in the joining of hands and spirits, and bring into being
a world of love, caring, respect and joy
for All in the Kin-dom.
Much love to you all

and, as always
Nurture your Nature
Wisdom Wild


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30.01.2014 in moon&sky

Horse_Wood_cropx385Greetings of the New, New and New!

The key theme for these next days is Beginnings!

It is Chinese New Year (today @ 2320 pst), beginning the year of the Wood Horse, and a time to celebrate the coming spring (here in the Northern Hemisphere).

It is also the time, commonly and variously between Jan31-Feb2, when other festivals – Festival of the Goddess Brighid (or Saint Brighid Feast Day), Imbolc, Candlemas – also occur to celebrate new beginnings and the onset of spring.

On Monday, February 3, @1355pst, we are at the point halfway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Yippee! This is the time that is ‘Imbolc’ for me. It is the moment of Quickening as life reappears from the deep dreamtime. Another ‘beginning’ in the turn of the wheel.

The sun strengthens and more energy flows. Renewal, regeneration, change. Aquarius reminds us to take the long view and to seek out ways to clear away or re-form and transform the old and outdated. Oh there are some planetary relations that may give rise to flutters of anxiety, some past flooding in or distracting, but these are like the last leaves to be blown by the wind. Let them go.

Horse calls us to freedom. Hear the call. Imagine being like Horse wild and free. Give your heart and soul free rein and let your spirit find it’s own rhythms.

Today it is New Moon Dark (@ 1339 pst). Time to sink into that moment between moon and moon; between full dark and first light. Honor with gratitude the moon that is passing and let go of the rest. Surrender into peace and grace. Open to receive.

Tomorrow the moon moves into Pisces joining three other planets (Mercury, Neptune, Chiron); we can receive much more. Pisces also supports surrender, so let go and be Free.

As the Moon waxes, begin to imagine and align what you want to call into being for yourself and for the greatest good for all. Reflect on the themes of renewal, transformation, receiving, new flow, freedom of this time. Welcome spirit as your fuel for this new year. And as always,

Nurture your nature,

Wan Shi Ruyi! May all your wishes be fulfilled!

[image from Pinterest]

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Wolf Moon Wanes

23.01.2014 in moon&sky

IMG_WolfWane_P1020636Greetings to you  in the Waning Moon!


The first full moon of the year is waning, the sun time is increasing, and the land is stirring.


As we begin to emerge from the dreamtime the call to create, to mana-fest stirs within us as well. The flickering of the flame of your heart’s desires.


In the last couple of day I’ve been hearing from many that they “have so much to clear out”, are “uber busy” or “have so much to do.”  I understand. Sometimes the tasks releasing, imagining, honing, and acting seem to blur together so that I’m not sure what calendar day it is.


Such is the energy of this season. I can feel my being vibrating with the energy of poised quickening.  It’s like the land is calling us to get ready, get ready!


For some, like those that are feeling in busy mode, there is a fire of movement and activity. Others who also feel the call to emerge, are finding themselves still wrapped up, moving more slowly, or in starts and stops. Remember not all flowers emerge at the same time. Even flowers of a kind have their own timing.


Trust your being and the Earth of you. There are times in this season where the earth is warmed by the sun and then cools and graces us with frost. Enjoy the pause of this crystal beauty, for as the sun warms, the waters will flow again.


Now here we are at the Waning Wolf Moon half light, half dark (9:19pm pst). Wherever you are in new year emergence, take time now to reflect on what has been drawn in and what is coming into being. Reflect on what is needed to integrate what has been uncovered – including the strength and power of who you/we are.


As the moon sheds hir light over the next days, it is time to gather up the harvest of this moon; clear out what is no longer needed; and follow-up where appropriate


Then,  Dear Ones, rest. Rest into the soon to come dark of the moon.


Blessings to you this day and the days to come.

And as always
Nurture your Nature
with love,

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Wolf Moon

Full Wolf Moon

15.01.2014 in moon&sky

Wolf MoonDear MoonKin,

I fondly recall being with some of you in ritual circle around a fire in Healdsburg  about this time last year. ‘Tis now the Full WolfMoon once again.

The energies continue to be full and rich even if there may not seem to be much movement. Although it may not yet be too apparent, change is occurring and the land is beginning to stir.

The urging of change at this time, and the pressure to transform generated by the cardinal grand cross, may at times make things feel a bit under pressure or tight unless the earth is soft and loose.  Good reminder to create space and tune into natural flow.

The Full moon now shines bright in the Dreaming time. I wonder what is emerging in your dreams?  What seeds are vibrating with life force? What is being called for release?

Listen and feel into the full moonlit dreaming. It is the only full moon in Cancer this year. The cup is full.  Drink in the flowing stream and celebrate the gifts of the dreaming time. Allow this water moon to nourish the Earth of you, and let it wash away whatever no longer serves.

It is a time for deepening self-nurturing. Make time to  engage and receive your loving self-care. Resource yourself so the seeds within may emerge from a place of ease, balance and abundance.

Receive as well the guidance of this Wolf Moon. Wolf teaches us to deeply trust inner knowing. Wolf also teaches us to use ritual to create order and harmony. It is time to honor, create, and breathe new life into, life rituals.  Open to the guidance of Wolf, Moon, and your heart-radiant self.

Tonight is the Full Wolf Moon Call and all are welcome. It would be a delight to greet you.  (Sign up at Moon Call to receive more deets for the live call or to listen later to the recording).

However you respond to the Call of this moon, I encourage you to make some intentional space to honor yourself and the gifts of the season. Release what no longer serves and feed the flame of your radiant heart’s desire.

As always Dear Dreamers,
Nurture your nature
With Love and MoonLight,

[image from Pinterest: creator unknown]

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