Imbolc 2014
03 Feb 2014, by turnings inI hear whispers of spring
“I am returning
I am beginning
I am emerging”
Have no doubt, no uncertainty
Though in some places
the sky may be grey
and the land still bare,
The wheel is turning and
Spring will soon be fully here
It is Time to celebrate
increasing light and renewal
above, below and within
and the sun born again
in the sky and wood aflame.
Time to be thankful
for all that is given us –
Earth Air Fire Water Spirit –
To nourish ourselves and all our kin
Time now also to tend and feed
The fire in our hearts
So we may understand the mystery
The possibility
and all that lies within.
Gathered in Heart Fire Circle
We plant and nourish
Wishes Dreams and Desires
and Bless the red threads
that join us all together as one.
The journey way to Full Spring
A time for cleansing
A time for grounding
A time for seeding
A time to ask questions
each of us will answer differently
What is the fire in my heart?
How do I keep it burning?
How do I tend my own heart/h fire?
For whom would do I light this fire?
I answer.
“I tend the fire
For me. For You. For Us.
For Earth. For Spirit.
For all that is sacred. “
Tend to your heart fire
as if you were tending Spring
with wonder
with reverence
with love
for all that it brings.
Blessed be. Ho!
May we bring our hearts and visions together
in the joining of hands and spirits, and bring into being
a world of love, caring, respect and joy
for All in the Kin-dom.
Much love to you all
and, as always
Nurture your Nature
Wisdom Wild