Wolf Moon Wanes
23 Jan 2014, by moon&sky inGreetings to you in the Waning Moon!
The first full moon of the year is waning, the sun time is increasing, and the land is stirring.
As we begin to emerge from the dreamtime the call to create, to mana-fest stirs within us as well. The flickering of the flame of your heart’s desires.
In the last couple of day I’ve been hearing from many that they “have so much to clear out”, are “uber busy” or “have so much to do.” I understand. Sometimes the tasks releasing, imagining, honing, and acting seem to blur together so that I’m not sure what calendar day it is.
Such is the energy of this season. I can feel my being vibrating with the energy of poised quickening. It’s like the land is calling us to get ready, get ready!
For some, like those that are feeling in busy mode, there is a fire of movement and activity. Others who also feel the call to emerge, are finding themselves still wrapped up, moving more slowly, or in starts and stops. Remember not all flowers emerge at the same time. Even flowers of a kind have their own timing.
Trust your being and the Earth of you. There are times in this season where the earth is warmed by the sun and then cools and graces us with frost. Enjoy the pause of this crystal beauty, for as the sun warms, the waters will flow again.
Now here we are at the Waning Wolf Moon half light, half dark (9:19pm pst). Wherever you are in new year emergence, take time now to reflect on what has been drawn in and what is coming into being. Reflect on what is needed to integrate what has been uncovered – including the strength and power of who you/we are.
As the moon sheds hir light over the next days, it is time to gather up the harvest of this moon; clear out what is no longer needed; and follow-up where appropriate
Then, Dear Ones, rest. Rest into the soon to come dark of the moon.
Blessings to you this day and the days to come.
And as always
Nurture your Nature
with love,
Fiona, excellent information …. thank you so very much,