

Moon Dark-New in Scorpio

14.11.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-new (exact @2104 PST) in Scorpio


… depth, presence,
transformation, rebirth …


Moon dark-new is a time for clearing the ways, shifting, and seeding new ideas and ways of Being. This Moon especially empowers new beginnings (boosted by Cap planets all direct + Sun/Moon harmony w/ Pluto, Jup, Saturn & Neptune). In Scorpio and in the last days of Scorpio Sun, she brings powerful energy for healing, renewal, transformation and new birth. It’s a time of deep releasing, deep healing, deep cleansing; and it’s a time to bring laser focus to the dreams, visions, values and ideals we seek to see/feel expressed in form.


Scorpio Moon asks us to delve deep into ourselves and into the realm of mystery. She ignites courage, perseverance and determination; brings depth, clarity, strength, passion and healing; and invites us to seek a deeper level of authenticity and purpose. Scorpio energy (Sun, Moon & Merc) strengthens our will and leads us into our most soul-full, heart-felt desires. It is a time of emotional strength, penetrating insight, and a resurrection of Spirit. A time to tune to our deepest longings; and a time to claim our personal, life-affirming powers.


This is a poignant moment in time (culmination of 13yr Jup-Plu cycle + as a portal to eclipse season). It has been a very intense year and, though there’s still intensity in the air, we’ve turned a corner: energy is lifting (Mars direct yesterday), and we can begin to feel motivation stirring to start anew (Jup-Pluto). Our hearts are open to both our blessings and our deepest desires (Moon-Jup); and our compassion, empathy and understanding is heightened. Stabilizing energy, hope and optimism is beginning to flow in (Moon sextile Jup & Pluto) and we have strong support for anchoring our best intentions and best scenarios.


Time to connect deeply with sacred Source. Time to tune to the ancient wisdom within us and Earth. Time to heed our inner knowing. Time to root and flow. Time to carefully plant new seeds and invite new forms to emerge. Newly and uniquely re-birthed, it’s time to rise shining into the increasing Light.


Immerse yourself in deepest feeling
Open to a most profound healing


Wriggle out of your old skin
Time now to begin again


Challenges, doubts and fears have now been faced
time for personal power to embrace


Bring your Spirit essence into form
Time to rise radiantly reborn


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you brilliant transforming,
radiant rebirth &
sparkling new beginnings this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Figure/gown: cut & modified art deco lamp; artist unknown | Snakes: Cut & modified part of a caduceus from pixabay |
Background: cut, rev & modified photo of Empire State Building lobby art; full version avail at Great Big Canvas

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Leo

07.11.2020 in moon&sky

‘Tis Waning Moon Half-lit (exact 201108 @ 0546 PST) in Leo


… balance, realign, refresh, rejuvenate …


At waning Moon it is time to review all that has occurred this cycle; finish up; release what is no longer needed; and gather all that we wish to honour and retain. Now light and dark in equal measure, it is time to pause, center, re-orient and realign. Time to be still. Time to see the truth in the shadow and the Light; and to find new balance and harmony.


Leo Moon welcomes us into hir warm embrace. She invites us to tune to big-hearted love, courage, and appreciation. Scorpio Sun asks us to look deep, deep, deep. Both speak to what is to be sustained and solidified. Together they ask us to stretch across a great expanse of consciousness; to hold a vision of a courageous, loving, sustainable world; and to find ways to explore, express and honor our own and others’ unique gifts and qualities.


In these times it is especially important to sit in the ‘between’ and sift well through beliefs, perspectives, feelings and experiences. We are at a turning point and our transformational efforts are beginning to come into form (for many, the US election is one artifact of that ;)). Yes, there’s still much to be done and it may not be simple or easy, but forward movement has begun and the ways now are more clear (already in energy field of Jup-Pluto conjunction 3rd of 3 Nov12). Tension will slowly ease, energy will increase, action will be easier, and new paths will open (Mars>D soon). We are encouraged to investigate contrasts between self and other (Mars-Venus tomorrow); and are supported in our efforts towards realizing harmonic connections with self, other and Earth (Moon in Virgo tomorrow).


Time to cleanse in the Waters and be warmed by the Fire. Time to nourish our inner child with playfulness and creativity. Time to draw in the big-hearted courage of Leo Moon and the deep alchemy of Scorpio Sun to invite peace, harmony and freedom to rise in the world and within. Time to rest and rejuvenate in the feminine deep.


Pause in the moment of light-dark between
Reflect on all you’ve heard and all you’ve seen


Release any fears or sorrows that came
Honor and cherish all the learning gained


Flow with Water however she stirs
Enjoy Fire’s warmth and Leo’s purrs


Now it’s time to rest and renew
Time to nourish the All of you


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet freedom of release;
playful, restful and creative times;
and deepening purrs this waning Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Lioness: cut & modified from desktop nexus wallpapers | Sunflower field: cut & modified from wallpaper set |
Background Sunflowers: cut & modified pimg. Source N/A

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Moon Full in Taurus

30.10.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact 201031 @ 0749 PDT) in Taurus


… illuminate, appreciate, embody… 


Moon full is a time of illumination, clarity, culmination, and appreciation. Always a time when emotions and intuition are heightened, both may be intensified with this Moon and there may be some shaking going on (Uranus effect). Taurus brings a stabilizing, calming influence. She calls us to reconnect to our earthy senses, our instinctual nature, and our relationship to the physical world. It is time to ground deeply and embody a sensual sense of the fullness of the moment.


Taurus is all about values, worth, and Mother Earth. She asks us to attend to practical matters (especially concerning beauty and comfort ;)); use common sense; keep things simple; and stop to smell the roses. While Taurus Moon is anchored in physical/material reality, Scorpio Sun flows in the mystical realms. Taurus wants to enjoy life; Scorpio wants to dive deep, transform and be reborn. When they meet there is a stirring of the simple and the complex; the basic and the exotic; the tangible and the intangible. Both seek to create a nurturing, empowered quality of life. Together they evoke creation magick walking with sure feet (Taurus) into new ways of Being (Scorpio) with comfort, beauty and a deep sense of self-worth and self-love.


As if in that service, the times continue to urge us to cleanse the past; move beyond old norms; clear blockages; break free of limiting conditions/patterns; and inspire alternative solutions and new ways of thinking (Sun-Moon-Uranus + MarsRx + (2nd of 3): Merc SQ Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter). The feminine is empowered (7/11 planets in fem signs) and there is supportive energy for setting healthy energetic boundaries (Venus-Chiron Sunday) and for enhancing beauty in the world (Venus now in Libra). Yes! This Moon heralds definitive change and freedom is a very strong theme. It’s time to embody and appreciate our truth, our values, our worth and all that we Be.


Time to root deep in Earth and flow in grace with the Waters. Time to honour all that has come and gone. Time to connect more deeply with all we appreciate. Time to be fully present, in body, wholly here. Time for simple things that bring us Joy. Time to come home to ourselves and gently prepare to move into the feminine deep.


Earth yourself in the present moment
Tune into Light, Love and contentment


From Earth and Water draw both calm and passion
Elevate everything you can imagine


See now more clearly than ever before
all that is most precious held at your core


Nourish the wisdom where you stand
Let Spirit rise and Joy expand


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you root deep, flow free, and
embody and enjoy the beauty and bounty
of all that is you this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Bull: Cut & modified image from 16thC Crete found at Avant Tours (out of Biz) | (Yes, Roses by Fiona ;))

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Aquarius

22.10.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact 201023 @ 0623 PDT) in Aquarius (& Sun newly in Scorpio)


… depth, passion, resilience…


Waxing Moon brings an uplift in energy; an increase in motivation; and a pull to action. Now half-lit, she calls us to pause, find balance, and reflect in this moment between extremes. It is time to focus on what we wish to create and cause; and to define new forms.


Aquarius Moon draws us to all that is new, unique, or unusual. She seeks increased clarity, and brings strong powers for manifesting. Scorpio Sun calls us to probe for deeper insights; reveal what needs to be cleansed/released; and reconnect with our passions. Together at their best they meld heart and mind; and jointly seek personal freedom, collective liberation, and a higher frequency of Being.


We continue to be called to shed what is unnecessary; to go deeper and deeper to unearth truth; and to reveal the gifts and treasures of our most authentic Being (multiple influences w/ Scorpio now providing sig support). Yes, there’s still some tension in the air (Sun-Moon, Mars-Pluto square, ongoing Stellium, etc) but there’s some shifting going on (eg Sun now in Scorpio; Venus & Merc shift soon) and some stabilizing influences incoming (Venus-Saturn trine tomorrow). Yes, the times still call powerfully for our transforming.


Time to invite the winds of Aquarius to clear and refresh the ways. Time to imagine the best of worlds. Time to rekindle interests, feed Spirit’s passion, and weave resilience throughout our Being. Time to rise like Phoenix on wings of freedom and truth.


In the moment that is between
reflect on all you’ve seen and been


Stand upon all from which you are made
and bring forth all for which you have prayed


It is time to fill the sacred urn
with the gifts and wisdom you’ve discerned


Mind and heart are now deeply entwined
Embrace Spirit and with Source align


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a deep sense of release,
joyous freedom &
magickal way-making this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Phoenix: Cut & modified image found at Venice Clayartists. Artist George Sellers | Water-bearer: Cut & modified image also found at Venice Clayartists. Artist unknown | Anthurium: Cut & modified image found on Wikipedia commons

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Moon Dark-New in Libra

15.10.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact 201016 @ 1231 PDT) in Libra


… balance, clarity, harmony…


This Moon dark-new arrives in the midst of challenging energies – some of which are triggered by hir appearance. Although new Moons usually bring energy for beginnings, this Moon calls us to review, reassess and ‘reset’ what we’re doing, where we’re going, and with whom we are engaging. Right now it’s all about relationships – with ourselves, with others, with Earth, and with Spirit/Divine/Source (Libra Sun & Moon + start of Fire Dog month). At Libra Moon dark-new, it’s time to explore new possibilities.


Peacemaking Libra is focussed on relations. She is about balance, justice and fairness; and also about beauty, harmony, clarity, peace and calm. This Libra Moon time brings opportunities to increase self-awareness; unearth truth; re-define boundaries; heal relations; and better balance our lives. Hir focus, hir tools and our other self-care and Spirit-focussed practices are essential for maintaining equilibrium in these times.


Yes, the energies have been and are very challenging. Most of us have experienced some degree of disruption, instability, confusion, sadness, anxiety, fear, frustration, and even breakdown. Earth-sky energies now bring another intensification of the same but at this point, really? With all we’ve been going through, perhaps it’s really ‘just the usual’;) (Sun & Moon-Mars; cardinal TSQ with ongoing Sat-Pluto-JupSQ; & Merc-Rx). On the upside, what was hidden is uncovered; deception and illusion have been revealed; we are clearer about our truth and ideals; and we can focus, deepen, and attend more to all we hold most sacred (Merc-Rx in Scorpio).


Time to take a deep cleansing breath. Time to let go and know all will be well. Time to maintain a sense of stillness. Time to be calm and steadfast. Time to attune to all that honors balance, peace, beauty, and harmony. Time to be true to ourselves, and to inspire loving wisdom.


At Moon dark-new this auspicious night
dive deep into things both wrong and right


Tune into all of your connections
Let Spirit flow and fuel reflections


Release fears and unneeded cares
Breathe in the freshness of new Air


Invite the winds to lift your wings
Welcome Love in the surroundings


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you create peace & harmony within
& discover new possibilities this Moon








IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crow: modelled after a black clip-art pic | Flowers: Cut & modified from Flowers Orgn

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