Moon Full in Taurus
30 Oct 2020, by moon&sky in Greeting Moon Full (exact 201031 @ 0749 PDT) in Taurus
… illuminate, appreciate, embody…
Moon full is a time of illumination, clarity, culmination, and appreciation. Always a time when emotions and intuition are heightened, both may be intensified with this Moon and there may be some shaking going on (Uranus effect). Taurus brings a stabilizing, calming influence. She calls us to reconnect to our earthy senses, our instinctual nature, and our relationship to the physical world. It is time to ground deeply and embody a sensual sense of the fullness of the moment.
Taurus is all about values, worth, and Mother Earth. She asks us to attend to practical matters (especially concerning beauty and comfort ;)); use common sense; keep things simple; and stop to smell the roses. While Taurus Moon is anchored in physical/material reality, Scorpio Sun flows in the mystical realms. Taurus wants to enjoy life; Scorpio wants to dive deep, transform and be reborn. When they meet there is a stirring of the simple and the complex; the basic and the exotic; the tangible and the intangible. Both seek to create a nurturing, empowered quality of life. Together they evoke creation magick walking with sure feet (Taurus) into new ways of Being (Scorpio) with comfort, beauty and a deep sense of self-worth and self-love.
As if in that service, the times continue to urge us to cleanse the past; move beyond old norms; clear blockages; break free of limiting conditions/patterns; and inspire alternative solutions and new ways of thinking (Sun-Moon-Uranus + MarsRx + (2nd of 3): Merc SQ Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter). The feminine is empowered (7/11 planets in fem signs) and there is supportive energy for setting healthy energetic boundaries (Venus-Chiron Sunday) and for enhancing beauty in the world (Venus now in Libra). Yes! This Moon heralds definitive change and freedom is a very strong theme. It’s time to embody and appreciate our truth, our values, our worth and all that we Be.
Time to root deep in Earth and flow in grace with the Waters. Time to honour all that has come and gone. Time to connect more deeply with all we appreciate. Time to be fully present, in body, wholly here. Time for simple things that bring us Joy. Time to come home to ourselves and gently prepare to move into the feminine deep.
Earth yourself in the present moment
Tune into Light, Love and contentment
From Earth and Water draw both calm and passion
Elevate everything you can imagine
See now more clearly than ever before
all that is most precious held at your core
Nourish the wisdom where you stand
Let Spirit rise and Joy expand
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you root deep, flow free, and
embody and enjoy the beauty and bounty
of all that is you this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Bull: Cut & modified image from 16thC Crete found at Avant Tours (out of Biz) | (Yes, Roses by Fiona ;))