Waxing Moon Half-lit in Aquarius
22 Oct 2020, by moon&sky inGreeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact 201023 @ 0623 PDT) in Aquarius (& Sun newly in Scorpio)
… depth, passion, resilience…
Waxing Moon brings an uplift in energy; an increase in motivation; and a pull to action. Now half-lit, she calls us to pause, find balance, and reflect in this moment between extremes. It is time to focus on what we wish to create and cause; and to define new forms.
Aquarius Moon draws us to all that is new, unique, or unusual. She seeks increased clarity, and brings strong powers for manifesting. Scorpio Sun calls us to probe for deeper insights; reveal what needs to be cleansed/released; and reconnect with our passions. Together at their best they meld heart and mind; and jointly seek personal freedom, collective liberation, and a higher frequency of Being.
We continue to be called to shed what is unnecessary; to go deeper and deeper to unearth truth; and to reveal the gifts and treasures of our most authentic Being (multiple influences w/ Scorpio now providing sig support). Yes, there’s still some tension in the air (Sun-Moon, Mars-Pluto square, ongoing Stellium, etc) but there’s some shifting going on (eg Sun now in Scorpio; Venus & Merc shift soon) and some stabilizing influences incoming (Venus-Saturn trine tomorrow). Yes, the times still call powerfully for our transforming.
Time to invite the winds of Aquarius to clear and refresh the ways. Time to imagine the best of worlds. Time to rekindle interests, feed Spirit’s passion, and weave resilience throughout our Being. Time to rise like Phoenix on wings of freedom and truth.
In the moment that is between
reflect on all you’ve seen and been
Stand upon all from which you are made
and bring forth all for which you have prayed
It is time to fill the sacred urn
with the gifts and wisdom you’ve discerned
Mind and heart are now deeply entwined
Embrace Spirit and with Source align
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you a deep sense of release,
joyous freedom &
magickal way-making this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Phoenix: Cut & modified image found at Venice Clayartists. Artist George Sellers | Water-bearer: Cut & modified image also found at Venice Clayartists. Artist unknown | Anthurium: Cut & modified image found on Wikipedia commons