

Waning Moon Half-lit in Cancer

21.10.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 0539 PDT) in Cancer … & Leo soon (@0928 PDT)


… nourish, tend, deepen, rejuvenate


Waning Moon calls us to attend to balance and prepare for the deepening. Time to wrap up, clear-away, re-balance and re-align. Time to pause and reflect on what has been gifted and released. Time to flow inward.


Moon in nurturing Cancer asks us to tune to our feelings and to the ocean of inner wisdom. She invites us to tend our nests and to come fully home to ourselves. It is time for nourishing and deepening into the truth of who we are (Mercury and Venus in Scorpio and Sun joins in on Wed).


This is a sweet and tender time. Sun and Moon together bring the nurturing energy of the Goddess of Love (Venus is ruler of Libra) and of the Great Mother (Cancer). In just a few hours Moon will move from the loving flow of Cancer, into the regal warmth and big-heartedness of Leo. With such energies gracing us, it is a good time to get cozy and to listen closely to the heart.


Time to be cleansed by the Waters and warmed by the Fire. Time to tend our nests and expand within. Time to connect and Be with all that you hold sacred. Time to feel into harmony, comfort and healing (Venus-Neptune trine). Time to move ever more fully into the feminine deep.


Feel the waters caress and cleanse
you and All you so gently tend


Tune to all to which you are akin
and prepare to enter deep within


Time now to tend the heart and nest
Time to nourish, find peace, and rest


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you nourishing self-care,
deep comfort
& divine harmony this waning Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crab Jewel: cut & modified found at Down Sunshine Lane | Leo Sculpture: cut & modified image from Stone Contact |

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Moon Full in Aries

13.10.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Full (exact @ 1408 PDT) in Aries


… complete, release, initiate
… courage, optimism, creativity


Moon full is a time to honour and celebrate all that has come to fruition, and all that has been released this cycle. In Aries we are called to burn away all that constrains freedom, assertiveness, self-love and personal power. It is, simultaneously, a time of completion; a time for significant purging; and a time to break free into new territory.


Usually Moon full is a time to reflect, assess and honour where we are in this moment. Moon in Aries, however, brings strong energy to take action and move forward. Aries, the sign of initiation, highlights courage, assertiveness, autonomy, and new beginnings. Aries urges us to release fear, frustration, anger, disappointment, suffering, and whatever it is that constrains us and/or really isn’t ours to hold. There’s huge potential now to fully and finally let go of a particularly challenging situation, pattern, habit and/or belief (Aries + Sun- Moon-Pluto T-square). It is a time to access the cleansing power of primordial Fire.


We are called to seek what is revealed in the light, and to confront what is hidden in the dark shadows cast by the bright Moon. We are asked to have faith and confidence in our ability to discern and self-activate (Moon-Jupiter trine). Draw on Ram’s gifts of strength, stability, agility and balance. Sense into Aries Fire to access and fuel courage and passion. Focus on what is creative, and what can be awakened and liberated within. Now is the time to empower ourselves by committing to what is most truly authentic in us. Time to initiate new ways of seeing and Being.


Moon full calls us to honour and celebrate
Aries wants to know what we will authenticate


Time to discern and liberate
Time to activate and create


Time to access the primordial Fire
Time to choose what you wish to have transpire


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you honour all that’s has come to fruition;
have the courage to let go; and
step into a new sense of freedom this Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Ram: cut & modified image from style craze tattoos | Athena: cut & modified image found on Wikipedia |

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Capricorn

05.10.2019 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact @ 0947 PDT) in Capricorn


… reflection, discipline, action


Momentum is building with the waxing Moon. It’s a time of action.


In Capricorn, Moon pulls us to organize, create structure, and re-ground discipline (again and again). She also helps us set boundaries and stay on track; and gives us confidence in our own authority and expertise. Diving deep and climbing high, Seagoat Enki brings intuition, soul-full connection, intelligence, determination and balance. Together Sun and Moon help us to get things done.


There’s a call for ongoing clearing, purging and releasing (Pluto now direct) and energy begins to intensify (Saturn & Pluto). Our personal sense of power, confidence and dignity is likely to be strengthened as well (Saturn influence). Overall, we are empowered to transform ourselves via the shifts and changes we make within.


It is time to ground, centre, observe, reflect, hone plans and take action. Time for the old to yield to the new. Time for seeds to root and first leaves to gently unfurl.


At Moon half-lit it is time to pause
What do you wish to create and cause?


Feel into Spirit and all you Be
Reach for new meaning and harmony


Time to express the wisdom of your soul
Earth, Cosmos and you, an entrancing whole


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a grace-filled unfolding this waxing Moon




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IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess Metis: cut & modified image from wikipedia commons | Capricorn: cut & modified image found in tattoo journal | Pansies: Cut & modified from image found in Sunset Gardens

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Moon Dark-New in Libra

28.09.2019 in moon&sky

Moon Dark-New (exact @ 1126 PDT) in Libra


… boundaries, justice & dynamic balance


Moon dark new initiates a new cycle of possibilities. In Libra (Sun, Moon, Merc, Venus & Mars soon), we are called to focus on balance, boundaries, justice, and our commitment to truth and ideals. It is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and new/revised intentions.


Yes, for many/most, the last weeks have been a tough ride through challenging times. Along the way we’ve likely learned that some things can’t be mended or ‘fixed’ (Chiron) and that we need to adjust and move on in slightly different ways. Recent shiftings may have already made things more workable and there is a greater sense of fair play in the air (Wood Dog month). Now Moon dark provides us the opportunity to begin anew.


As we move on through this cycle, we will have repeated opportunities to tear down what doesn’t serve; to release and transform fear; and to build strength and integrity (Pluto influence). We will also have repeated opportunities to exercise discipline and commitment; claim our own authority, and increase our sense of security (Saturn/wise elder influence). Okay, so it’s may not be what we would call ‘smooth’ sailing ahead but, in my view, it’s not anything a wind board or a kiteboard couldn’t handle ;).


It’s time to take a deep breathe of fresh Air. Time to harness the wind and dance in. Time to find dynamic balance. Time to rise up from the feminine deep and move into new Light once again.


Release fears and unneeded cares
Breathe in the freshness of new Air


Listen for the sounds of Cardinal and Crow
Embrace what you know; vision what you can grow


Invite the wind to lift your wings
Tis time to create your everything


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you a new / renewed sense of clarity, strength &
personal empowerment this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Themis: cut & modified image found on ebay.de | Blue Roses: cut & modified image found on pexels & pixabay |
Deep- pink Rose: Cut & modified from unsplash wallpaper

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Gemini

21.09.2019 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 1941 PDT) in Gemini & in Cancer soon (2150 PDT)


… balance, health, well-being


There’s some shifting going on, and energy is somewhat mercurial (both Virgo & Gemini are ruled by Mercury); as such it is important to go slow. Waning Moon also encourages us to slow; now half-lit she calls us to pause and find new balance. That call is reinforced, strengthened and extended over the next few days (Equinox just two days away). Time to pause in the moment ‘between’. Time to shed what no longer serves; ground new truths; and prepare to enter the Feminine deep.


Many of us have found our ideals, trust and faith significantly tested this year (Jup-Nep squares), and increasingly so since the last, last quarter Moon (which was also in Gemini). It is said that this ‘testing’ was to make very clear just how important it is to be very discerning (fact/fantasy, truth/illusion); and to acknowledge and resolve discrepancies between hope and reality. For many/most, very challenging ‘up-leveling’ times.


Although things are still not tranquil (e.g. Merc/Saturn, Venus/Saturn, Jupiter/Neptune T-squares), there are some aspects and shifts that may make things feel at least a little lighter and clearer soon. Earthy energy continues to provide ground and nourishment (5 planets in Earth signs); we have more space to breathe and a greater feeling of balance (3 planets in Air, 2 of them in Libra + Sun soon); and things will likely feel less muddled (the last – 3rd of 3- Jup-Nep squares. Yay! & Whew!). It is also expected that life will feel less restrictive and we will feel more empowered to act on our learnings (Saturn now direct).


Just a couple of hours after half-Moon exact, Moon will shift into sensitive Cancer, her home base and where she is most powerful. Cancer Moon brings kindness, gentleness, love, warmth and nurturing energy. She calls us to tune to our moods and feelings, and to the ocean of inner wisdom and Spirit knowing. She invites us to come fully home to ourselves. It is time to tend our nests (body and home) with great Love and caring. Time to move more fully into the nurture of the feminine deep.


At waning Moon half-lit, let go and release
Enter into the realms of balance and ease


Gather the warmth of golden Light
Rose and lavender scent the night


Time now to tend the heart and nest
Time to nourish peace and take rest


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you sweet release and
wondrous nourishment & rejuvenation this Moon



IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Gemini: cut & modified image found at Wonderful lamps | lavender field: cut & modified img from Wallpapers |

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