Moon half-lit in Capricorn
19 Apr 2017, by moon&sky inWelcome Waning Moon Half-lit
(exact @ 0257 PDT)
in Capricorn
(& into Aquarius @ 0352)
& Sun in Taurus
(as of 1547)
sense, slow, rejuvenate
Like last month, last quarter Moon is again in Capricorn, and Sun shifting signs (this afternoon) again too. Now it is Earthy energy that is abundant. What a purr-fect ‘ground’ for this waning time. Also a nice atmosphere for Moon’s move into Aquarius (about an hour after half-lit exact). Strong, stable foundations to work upon.
It is time to allow life to slow down (waning Moon + Sun in Taurus). Time to enjoy Nature and all that is sense-you-all. Shifts in the skies help to bring conscious and ‘higher’ minds together (Merc-R into Aries Thurs conjunct Uranus); and new ideas flow (Mars > Gemini Friday). A multiplicity of things that may have seemed foggy or scattered of late now become more clear and ordered (Venus-Saturn square Sat) and we are supported in building more strength within (Pluto retrograde Thurs).
Time to find balance in slowing and mind-ful, nurturing activity. Time to rest in the place of inner harmony. Time to feel Earth resonant within and draw strength and nourishment from Hir and all that you value. Empower your dreaming this Moon.
Take rest dear ones under Moon and Sun
and reflect upon all that’s been done
If there are stories that confound
Release them now; let them be unbound
Sense into what makes you unique and free
Into all you are and all you Be
Feel into Earth beneath your feet
Dream into all that makes Life so sweet
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you find deep rest, sweet clarity, & great nourishment this waning Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Goddess: cut & modified from image fount on “cut67” source unknown | Goat: cut & modified from image found on Bing; actual source not found.