Wisdom Wild | Waning Moon Half-lit in Capricorn


Waning Moon Half-lit in Capricorn

27 Mar 2019, by Fiona in moon&sky

Greeting Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @ 2110 PDT) in Capricorn


… release, revise, realign, renew  


Under the waning Moon we clear the way for new Moon to come. It’s a time to take closing action, follow-up and complete the activities begun at Moon New. A time to review, revise, release and realign. In Capricorn we are called to attend to matters of structure, organisation and discipline. Aries Sun urges us to lay the groundwork for the year. Together they seek the best organisational structures, breaking away from the old and considering something new.


As we move into the deepening dark we are invited to immerse ourselves in gentleness, healing and love (Venus in Pisces yesterday). Imagination, inspiration and creativity are newly fueled (Venus, and Mars> Gemini Saturday) and we are encouraged to explore new territories (Uranus influence). We may still find our minds a bit fuzzy or slippery (0 planets in Air + although Merc-D tomorrow, R effects linger with Neptune conjunction) but it is also a time for extraordinary intuitive insights.


Now is the time to wrap things up and put aside all that was initiated this Moon. Time to let the Fire glow on your earthen hearth. Time to tune within and invite wisdom to flow. Time to rest in and nourish you.


Waning Moon calls us to release, let go
Time to pause, realign, balance and slow


Under the Capricorn Moon
to Earth connections now attune


Warmed within by Aries Fire
open to all that inspires


Trust wisdom to help you to prepare
Time to nourish your sacred prayers


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you gentle rest,
sacred nourishment, and
sweet imaginings this Moon









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Markhor Goat: cut & modified image from Parc Animalier Dauvergne