Moon Dark-New in Sagittarius
17 Dec 2017, by moon&sky in‘Tis Moon Dark-New (exact @2230 PST) in Sagittarius
in stillness new prayers seed
This Moon Dark-New is a powerful portal, opening just before and extending through the days to Solstice – the longest Light in the South; the return of the Light in the North.
To the Light! To the Light! To the Light!
Moon in Sagittarius hirself brings much Light, along with warm-heartedness, joy, and enthusiasm. She encourages expansive visions, strong belief in ourselves, and a deep faith in Life. Moon (along with Sun & Saturn) is also linked to the heart of the galaxy at this time. We are called into both our heart-truth (Moon-Venus conjunct) and into the cosmic truth at the heart of All.
As much as it is Sag’s nature to leap in and get to it, this Moon calls us into the stillness (Moon conjunct Saturn). This is a time to open and tune to the resonant wisdom of Earth and Cosmos. It is a time to surrender into Love (recent Sun/Moon square Chiron) and see things in new ways (Uranus trine).Time to focus on joy and connection. Time to create new visions and dreams. A time for powerful transforming.
So much Fire lights the way (6 planets in Fire signs; 5 of them in Sag) and we are strongly encouraged to just flow in and let go (7/10 planets in mutable signs) Over the next few days Fire energy will shift to the more Earthy (all 5 planets now in Sag move into earthy Cap). This will support deep grounding of our visions and dreams, and all the Earth-Cosmos wisdom that has been streaming around and through.
Now is the time to choose the arrows that will carry your prayer seeds out into the beyond. Time to choose your most precious gifts and wishes from your heart. Let them be filled with Love and grace and joy and many many blessings for each and All. Let us be liberated into new ways of Being (Saturn shift from Sag to Cap upcoming)
Connect to grace and joy and Love
coming forth from below and above
Tend to the Fire and all the gifts
from coal to diamonds born of deep shift
Now is the time to vision anew
and let your heart prayers fly bright and true
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
Wishing you a fullness of de-Light this season!
May your seeds emerge in blossom, and All be radiantly awesome!
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Artemis bronze : sculpture found at Houzz Designs UK |