Moon Dark-New in Cancer
02 Jul 2019, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon Dark-new (exact @1216 PDT) & Solar Eclipse (max @1224 PDT) in Cancer
… nourish, transform, rebirth
Welcome New Moon and the beginning of eclipse season. Today’s solar eclipse electrifies and amplifies the usual effects of Moon dark-new. Together Moon dark-new and eclipse (only visible in parts of S.America and S.Pacific) signal a time for deep release, transformation and rebirth.
In Cancer we are called home to all that we are. Cancer provides a nourishing sanctuary: an oasis of warmth, security, comfort, compassion, self-love, and deepened connections to heart wisdom and the divine feminine. It’s a time for soothing and restoring Spirit and Soul. A time also for remembering, day-dreaming, and setting intentions aligned with all that we love and cherish.
The eclipse brings greater clarity as the unconscious becomes conscious. We are urged to release old patterns and develop new structures and new stories for the future. With the strength and gentleness of Cancer energy (and Venus>Leo soon), it’s a great time to review, renew and update our self-care practices and the ways we meet our needs. A time to re-imagine the coming year.
With all that’s going on, this time may feel a bit intense emotionally but it can also be wonderfully peaceful, insightful, inspirational, creative and transformative (esp w/ 5 planets retrograde this month). It’s time to lovingly nourish and accept ourselves as we are; and also challenge ourselves to become more than we have been. Time to lighten the load and create space for play (Mars now in Leo). Time to ride the waves and go with the flow. Time to feel into contentment. Time to plant seeds for all that warms heart and Spirit.
Come home to the wholeness of your inner heart
the brilliance of you and your Spirit-honed arts
Flow with the Waters and ground in the Earth
A new age is dawning; time for rebirth
Time to choose what you will next seed
and new ways to nurture and feed
Align with all you appreciate
plant the vision you wish to create
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you expand and deepen
all that nourishes all that you are this Moon
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Crab: cut & modified from for animal Sake | Solar Eclipse: cut & modified from ecoRazzi | Rose: cut from wallpaper mania |