Wisdom Wild | October New Moon

October New Moon

07 Oct 2013, by Fiona in moon&sky, self-care, theme, turnings

Hello Dear Ones,zensand_40

Welcome October New Moon! The gifts of the new moon are so many. Time in the dark of the void with light re-emerging in next days. I so love the new moon. . . And this moon calls for a Reset.

Messages for October and New Moon have been making themselves very clear in my world and likely in yours as well. Key themes: Unplug; Re-Boot; Re-Set. Just this morning the modem was functioning fine but I couldn’t get web connection. Hmm… A reboot wasn’t quite enough. It took unplugging, rebooting, cache-clearing and re-setting in order to begin again.

And those are the ‘instructions for the near time ahead.

If you’ve been feeling a bit ‘whelmed, scattery, tired, no wonder. It’s time to shut down, go ‘offline’ awhile, and then reboot. Time to clear out old files and reset. Time to give yourself a break and rest and deepen self care.

Remember the season. It time in the Land for things to slow down. For leaves to let go and be scattered. For a break from production and climbing. It is a turning. Like the seasons, trust that your world will be there for you even if you give yourself a break.

Be with and learn from this season. It is necessary to have a break, to rest and do those other things that are necessary to nourish your Being  – Body, Heart & Spirit. Time to deepen your commitment to change and pattern re-sets you desire,  and to “prepare  the bed” from which y/our dreams will arise. This week is a good time to clean something  – or clear something you know needs release.

Continue to take inventory so you can decide what to release, change and embrace in your life. Let Spirit in to advise, guide and support you in creating greater ease, peace, calm and balance in your life. Trust your heart.

As always, the New Moon is an empowered time for intentions. With this New Moon in Libra  (Oct 4, 1734h PST), intentions related to balance and stability and inner strength are particularly empowered.  What intentions will bring more balance and joy to you?   Don’t think about it too much; let the intentions rise from your inner wisdom, from Spirit.  This month provides opportunity truly anchor a Reset in your life.

Since we continue this month to be in roller-coaster-y, intense times, take good self-care. Adrenals and the nervous-systems are all fired this month.  Include flexibility into your plans to accommodate surprises. Flexibility is space-making. Ensure you make/take those breaks. Break from that which no longer serves. Break to rest. Drop resistance and let go into the deep stillness of you. Notice signals calling for break. Notice too how synchronicity appears, and times when you feel more balanced, more at ease.

Whatever you share about your intentions or your notice-ings will be received with great welcome.

In all of this Dear Ones, As Always,
Nurture your Nature!
Much love