Wisdom Wild | Moon Waxing: Pluto & Uranus Dance

Moon Waxing: Pluto & Uranus Dance

16 Sep 2013, by Fiona in moon&sky, theme

Hello Dear Ones,PlaceToWander-Pause_FSC130915

In my last post I spoke about the intensities of the times, about focus, and, as always, the keys of surrender and trust.  Wondering again how you all are doing.

Shadow & Light

To recap main themes of recent months, we’re at the turning of a great age (26,000 years).  Time speeds up, changes are magnified. Time to strip ourselves of anything that is not aligned with the emerging wave of change. We are in the midst of birthing a new paradigm. What Mayans referred to as the Age of Flowers. Exciting time in the turn of the wheel, and challenging too.

Add to that the current Pluto-Uranus square, and there’s sure a lot of shaking going on. Together Pluto & Uranus are initiators, transformers. We are in midst of a radical process of accelerated change. At times I’m not sure whether to say P-U or UP! (And “beam me up Scottie” certainly has been a wish along the way ;))

You see, here’s the thing. Pluto (planet of the underworld, the shadow world) is about the disruption, disorientation, disintegration, chaos aspects of Transformation that comes with facing the shadows, the fears, what’s been suppressed and kept in the dark. Yes, challenging. Uranus (celestial world) is also about transformation, about the new, about initiating innovation (fast changes), new ways, and  the birthing of more conscious, spiritually evolved selves and planet well-being. When P&U come together as they are now, there’s disruption, disintegration and emergence of new ways of being, even if we can’t see the new when we’re in the midst of shift.

* Lots of stories throughout history to demonstrate (think 60s for an eg of the ‘dark’ and the Light emergent).  Just FYI, the Pluto-Uranus cross occurs every ~ 40 years and lasts ~3 years. We’re in about the middle of those 3 years.

Shifting & Change

We are called to move to a higher tone of sustainability – ecological, social & economic.

It’s planetary and it’s personal. For some (depending on your chart) it could be felt very personally.  If that’s true for you, it’s “Bug Soup” time. If it feels like things are falling apart, take that as a sign that you’re in alignment. Saturn is in Scorpio, about endings, releasings.  Remember the promise of the butterfly.

The keys: Release, surrender, trust.  When the grounds are shifting, hold onto something you know is true. Remember the Light. Nurture self love and self care. Trust the message of the Marigold Hotel:  Everything will be all right in the end, and if it’s not all right, it’s not the end. :) And if it’s not the end, Be with whatever it is that is. Let it be. Spend time in nature, barefoot. Breathe into your belly. Do anything that helps you be in your body. And cultivate stillness.

Moon & Sun

The moon continues to wax past half moon; soon it will be full (Sep19).  In the context of the above, this a very good time to focus on that with which you want to align. Spend time feeding that. Notice what stalls or drags; release it in the moment if you can. Supportive energy is here for the aligned truth of you; let the rest drift away.

Nature journey

Today (Sunday afternoon at time of writing) I head out to the forest to co-create ritual and healing for those gathered and for the forest. (I’ve attached pics since).  I encourage you to find some time to be in and with Nature.

Consider… When you arrive at your chosen place, and before you begin your walk, stop and sit for a few minutes. Feel the ground beneath you. Breathe in to your center. Ask, “What am I aware of in this moment?” … Note that and begin to  walking again until you find a place that calls you to pause. Listen, listen to the sounds around you. Be still. Reflect on your ancestry, your walk in this life. Ask, “What am I ready to release right now?” …  Continue on until you find another place that calls you to pause. … If you have some smudge, now would be a nice time to burn some.  Listen.  Be still. What are you thankful for? Speak your thanks. Feel Light and Love and Healing flowing through you. Share this, the fullness of you. Yes, filled with the Truth of you.

So much love to All. Until we next connect,
Nurture Your Nature.
All the best,

  • Marc Leblanc Reply

    Good to connect today