Wisdom Wild |

June & Moon

14.06.2013 in moon&sky, theme

Hello Dear Ones! It’s been almost a week since the June & Moon call. Thanks to everyone who came and for the sharings. I wanted to edit the recording so that others interested in the information portion of the call could receive it too but……

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Full Moon+eclipse: Another Powerful Time

24.05.2013 in eclipse, elemental, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Full moon w/ lunar eclipse tonight! (~2230 PDT). The three-eclipse container of the last month. has provided a powerful and transformative time.  For this Moon, themes to truth, freedom and broad perspective are highlighted. Expect some big energy moving around and keep…

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Happy Spring!

20.03.2013 in turnings

Hello Dear Ones! Ostara-Spring equinox occurred (officially) at 0402h PDT today in the Northern Hemisphere. A balance, a turning. May you feel the resurgence within you! I wish you the all the best and send more Ostara messages here <NB: best viewed on 15″+ screen>…

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Wishes of Imbolc

03.02.2013 in turnings

Hello Dear Ones! Imbolc occurred (officially) at 0757h PST Sunday. I have been ‘tending the fire’ and so this message comes out-of-time and yet still in time of the Imbolc resonance. I wish you the all the best and send more Imbolc messages here: <NB:…

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