Wisdom Wild |

A Get-to… I Dare ya…

08.03.2014 in Creative

GetTo – Dare for the day (I couldn’t resist) First Quarter moon is perfect time to deepen what you know to work and be best. It is also a great time to declare and honor those who inspire you to your best expression. What a…


WisdomWild: Ancient Rhino

08.03.2014 in creatures

Gratitude for Ancient Wisdom A surprise/not-surprise that Rhino would appear to me at this First Quarter Moon on International Women’s Day. She is the holder of Ancient Wisdom. She teaches us to see and trust the wisdom and foundations in our lives. Draw on hir solidity…

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1st Q Moon & Women’s Day

08.03.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings the First Quarter Moon and International Women’s Day!   Do you feel the energy rising? The energy of the waxing 1st Quarter Moon appearing half lit (0527pst) The energy of spring & equinox less than two weeks away The energy of International Women’s Day!…

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Endings & Beginnings

28.02.2014 in moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones,   Tonight at midnight(pst) the day ends, the month ends, and so too ends a Moon Cycle. Then, as we rest, the calendar turns to a new day and a new month, and a new Moon Cycle begins.   At midnight the…

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WisdomWild: Cat Muse

28.02.2014 in creatures

I must admit I often envy Cat. . Oh Mistress and Muse of Ease, Help me to acquire your  wisdom and your  ability to ignore the cares of daily life and to relax completely that I can more truly and deeply Nurture my Nature WisdomWild  …

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