Wisdom Wild |

New Moon First Sliver

05.11.2013 in moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Did you spend time sitting in stillness in the dark of the moon? Did you feel shifting energies of  Sunday’s solar eclipse? These are  Magical times. The dark of the moon: a time to reset. An eclipse: a time of reset. Scorpio:…

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October Full Moon & Eclipse

18.10.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Here we are. Day of Aries Full Moon (1638PDT), penumbral eclipse (minutes later), and the season deepening into the dark of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere. NB you can see eclipse animation here How are You? Are you enjoying Fall…

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October New Moon

07.10.2013 in moon&sky, self-care, theme, turnings

Hello Dear Ones, Welcome October New Moon! The gifts of the new moon are so many. Time in the dark of the void with light re-emerging in next days. I so love the new moon. . . And this moon calls for a Reset. Messages…

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Mabon – Fall Equinox

22.09.2013 in moon&sky, turnings

Blessings and Dreams Dear Ones, Today in the Northern Hemisphere it is Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox, occurring at the edge of the Harvest Full Moon. In the prior days of waxing to full, the fullness, and these 3+ days of the strength of this Moon,…

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Moon Waxing: Pluto & Uranus Dance

16.09.2013 in moon&sky, theme

Hello Dear Ones, In my last post I spoke about the intensities of the times, about focus, and, as always, the keys of surrender and trust.  Wondering again how you all are doing. Shadow & Light To recap main themes of recent months, we’re at…

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