Wisdom Wild |

Waxing ‘Half’ Moon

06.02.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the 1st Quarter Moon!   The  Half-lit Moon (@ 1122h pst) is that point of equal light and dark of the moon. Think of it as a midpoint between past and future with the now waxing moon calling us forward.   It is…

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Imbolc 2014

03.02.2014 in turnings

I hear whispers of spring “I am returning I am beginning I am emerging” Have no doubt, no uncertainty Though in some places the sky may be grey and the land still bare, The wheel is turning and Spring will soon be fully here It…

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30.01.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the New, New and New! The key theme for these next days is Beginnings! It is Chinese New Year (today @ 2320 pst), beginning the year of the Wood Horse, and a time to celebrate the coming spring (here in the Northern Hemisphere)….

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Wolf Moon Wanes

23.01.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings to you  in the Waning Moon!   The first full moon of the year is waning, the sun time is increasing, and the land is stirring.   As we begin to emerge from the dreamtime the call to create, to mana-fest stirs within us…

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Wolf Moon

Full Wolf Moon

15.01.2014 in moon&sky

Dear MoonKin, I fondly recall being with some of you in ritual circle around a fire in Healdsburg  about this time last year. ‘Tis now the Full WolfMoon once again. The energies continue to be full and rich even if there may not seem to be much movement….

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