Wisdom Wild |

Creature Teachers: Raven & Crow

23.03.2016 in creatures

Creature Teachers: Raven & Crow In Native tradition, Raven or Crow is the animal totem aligned with Libra on the Medicine Wheel. They are the teachers of the mystic and about the experience of transformation. They remind us that magic and creation call to us…

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Full Moon in Libra & Lunar Eclipse

23.03.2016 in moon&sky

Greetings of Full Moon (exact at 0501pdt) in Libra and eclipse (exact at 0448 pdt) . . . Partner with Spirit   The Moon is full in Libra and we have a shadow eclipse as well. The eclipse, in balance- seeking, peace-making, relationship -oriented Libra,…

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Moon waxing between Eclipses

17.03.2016 in moon&sky

The First Quarter Moon on Tuesday (@1003pst) was in Gemini and further waxed into Cancer later that day (@1756) where she continues to reside today.   We are between eclipses and the reverberations from the solar eclipse are still rippling in Pisces seas. Perhaps you have been…

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Moon dark-new + solar eclipse in Pisces

08.03.2016 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact at 1754pst) in Pisces and Solar Eclipse   Moon dark-new in Pisces is made all the more potent with the solar eclipse – and the fact that 5 planets are currently in Pisces (Sun, Moon Mercury, Neptune & Chiron). With all…

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International Women’s Day

08.03.2016 in theme

Remembering and honoring all the steps taken, and those still to come, each way-maker and voice.   Wishing you an empowering, creative, full-filling International Women’s Day!   May we today each make a mark that creates safety, health, freedom and empowers each and All.  …

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