Moon dark-new + solar eclipse in Pisces
08 Mar 2016, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon Dark-New (exact at 1754pst) in Pisces and Solar Eclipse
Moon dark-new in Pisces is made all the more potent with the solar eclipse – and the fact that 5 planets are currently in Pisces (Sun, Moon Mercury, Neptune & Chiron). With all this watery energy, emotions flow close to the surface and are tides full. The eclipse magnifies the affect.
We are called to feel it all with openness and compassion.
Eclipse times often evoke intensive healing events: lots of openings and closings; releases and renewal; dances of shadow and light. The strong Piscean energy fuels imagination, creativity, dreams, and ideals. These are the tools we are to bring to the releasings, the healings, and the new ways of Being.
The eclipse of the Sun (ego/self) calls us to let go all that binds or limits us. Moon-dark marks the time of deepest dreaming from which we are called to bring new seeds into Being. Mercury (in Pisces as of Mar5) turns our attention to the symbolic, the imaginative and the intuitive and, especially now, to the emotional realm. Neptune draws us to attend to spiritual vision, and Chiron emphasizes the theme of healing that is woven throughout this energetic time.
Allow yourself to feel into emotions and let them flow. Keep focussed on all that you create and desire that is positive and good for you and Earth and All. Listen more deeply still to the guidance streaming from the heart of your heart, and act on that wisdom in the moment.
Draw on Earth energy to support and empower wherever the need is felt (Pluto in Capricorn); and to create new stories and images that re-enliven sacred ways of Being (Jupiter in Virgo). Draw on Fire for the fuel of courage to make a stand and take action motivated by heart-driven ideals (Saturn & Mars-as of Mar 6 in Sag).
And breathe Dear Ones. For the love of Venus (in Aquarius), breathe deeply out and deeply in.
Let emotions arise and flow naturally
Toss limits and bindings into surf-tumbling seas
See them splash where they land shifting to foam, bubbles and mist
as they playfully transform touched by Light’s rainbow sweet kiss.
Now tune to Ocean and Luna’s deep water flows
feel into the stirring of the seeds you will sow
feel into the pulsing, rising wave upon wave,
prepare for rebirth to emerge us each newly made
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Eclipse: Image (behind Pisces Moon) modified image found on TechneMexico (but link broken)