Wisdom Wild |

WisdomWild – Crow Caws

14.05.2014 in creatures

In this time when we are again called to balance and meld opposing impulses, the caw of Crow invites remembering.   Crow, fascinated with her own shadow. Crow who knows creation mysteries and is keeper of sacred law. Crow, master of being in two places…

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Full Scorpio Moon

14.05.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the full (very full) Moon in Scorpio (1216 pdt)   And by ‘full’ I mean there’s a lot going on and a lot to sift through.   Though it may sound like gobbledy-gook to some, here’s some of the astrological what’s up. Sun…

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FirstQ Time for Grace

06.05.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings to you this May 1stQ Moon.   The Moon is half lit and waxing, the 1st Quarter Moon (2015h pdt).   I hope during this past week since the dark/new Moon that you have gathered food for your seeds of intention and spent some…

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Best Wishes of Beltane

30.04.2014 in turnings

It’s Beltane! Halfway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.   Celebrate the fertile ground and the emerging new life in a multitude of forms.   Appreciate the bounty, the beauty, the love, the abundance.   Take account of both that which is…

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Wisdom Wild: Penguin Sweetness & Strength

28.04.2014 in creatures

This week it was Penguin that came courting. Penguin is the deepest diving bird in the world. Given all the deep diving that’s been going on, it is no wonder Penguin should visit. Sweet, gentle, strong. Can stand tall in strong winds. Powerful protector of…

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