Wisdom Wild |

1stQ Moon in Leo

25.04.2015 in moon&sky

Welcome 1st Q Moon (exact at 1655 pdt)  in Leo   The firstQ Moon is in Leo.  Sun, Mars and Mercury are in Taurus (fixed earth), and Mars trines Lilith in Virgo (earth)and Pluto in Capricorn (earth). And last week was Earth Week, centered around Earth Day!…

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Earth Day, each and every day

22.04.2015 in theme

It’s Earth Day! (isn’t everyday? ;))   I LOVE Earth and all that she provides. This is my ongoing and greatest Love Affair. So wondrous, so magical, so beautiful, so …. everything!… and so much thanks-full-ness for Hir.   This day I invite you to…

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Creature Teacher: Weaving Spider

18.04.2015 in creatures

Creature Teacher: Spider Weaving.   Three spiders greeted me today, small, dense, black, and soft-furred. They appeared on ceiling, window and in protected corner. Their positions opened doors to reflection.   Spider is associated with the energy of creation, and of the spiral form that…

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Dark/New Moon

18.04.2015 in moon&sky

Welcome Dark/New Moon!   I greet you very late this day of Moon dark (exact at 1157 pdt). The day began with Moon in Aries waning to dark.   I have been deep in the dark, called to move very very very slow. Much has…

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Creature Teacher: Enki

11.04.2015 in creatures

Creature Teacher: SeaGoat – Enki Today the Creature Teacher that calls to speak is a mythical one with the head and upper body of a goat and lower body and tail of a fish. Over 4000 years old, this symbol represented Enki, the Sumerian god…

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