Wisdom Wild |

Dark of the Moon and New

05.09.2013 in creatures, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! How have you been these days of the waning moon? Did you feel a bit more  breath and space for a few days after the full moon? (I did. Whew! Needed ;)) And then, oh the Grand Water Trine – Earth and…

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New Moon+eclipse: Powerful Time

05.09.2013 in eclipse, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Just had to send a message out at this POWERFUL TIME… New moon + solar eclipse (May 9). Fertility, growth, beauty. Energy of building and making, new possibilities, passions. A  Taurus solar eclipse does bring up issues of self worth and values;…

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Full Moon feelings

20.08.2013 in creatures, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Today I need to be outside, to run, to swim, to dance… to have time alone and to be in community…. some / much of it all… It is Full moon.   I wonder how she finds you and how you’re feeling under…

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1/4 Moon… Ah, Grasshopper

15.08.2013 in creatures, moon&sky

Hello Dear Ones! Last night, the quarter moon – did you see it? – just leaving Scorpio; a potent ‘t-square’ peaked last night. For me, and for some of you perhaps, there’s been some intense and challenging times lately. Yes, we’re in a time of…

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Lammas Blessings

01.08.2013 in elemental, turnings

Hello again Dear Ones! Yup, me again; 2nd post in one week. Well, sometimes the patterns and seasons are like that. The StarT was a special pattern and today is Lammas, a seasonal festival and  an occasion I am moved to send out blessings. For…

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