Wisdom Wild |

Moon Full in Pisces

01.09.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @ 2222 PDT) in Pisces   … illuminate, release, nourish, flow …    Moon full is a time of culmination, completion and celebration; we are reminded to be thankful for all that has been done and for the gifts given and…

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Waxing Moon Half-lit in Sagittarius

24.08.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Waxing Moon Half-lit (exact 200825 @ 1058 PDT) in Sagittarius   … freedom root, aim, fly …    Under a waxing Moon there’s a pull to action and forward movement (heightened by Mars in Aries). Now half-lit it’s time to pause, ground, find balance…

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Moon Dark-New in Leo

18.08.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Dark-New (exact @1942 PDT) in Leo   … illuminate, empower, radiate … and love, laugh & play ;) …    Moon dark-new opens us to a time for new emergence, new beginnings, new growth and expansion (more energy for all with Wood Monkey…

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Waning Moon Half-lit in Taurus

10.08.2020 in moon&sky

Welcome Waning Moon Half-lit (exact @0945pdt) in Taurus   … ground, sense, balance, nourish …   At waning Moon it is time to sift, sort, put aside or clear away whatever has occupied our efforts this cycle. Now at Moon half-lit it’s time to review,…

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Moon Full in Aquarius

02.08.2020 in moon&sky

Greeting Moon Full (exact @0859 PDT)  in Aquarius   … illuminate, appreciate, elevate …   At Moon full it is time to honour and celebrate all that has come into being this cycle. Leo Sun reminds us to live from the heart and appreciate the gifts…

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