Wisdom Wild |


22.09.2014 in turnings

Greetings on Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox (exact 1939 pdt)   Yesterday was hot and still. This morning dark clouds layered over white and sparks of light shone through between. Light and dark in equal measure. The winds rustled branches and leaves and grasses, as if…

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Last Quarter Moon

15.09.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the last quarter Moon (exact at 1905 pdt)   The Moon entered Gemini yesterday and is there until tomorrow. (Here, for whatever reason, fish are jumping hence the fish ‘twins’).   Look to the skies and see the moon of light and dark…

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Full Pisces Moon

08.09.2014 in moon&sky

Greetings of the full ‘super’ Moon in Pisces (exact at 1838 pdt)   Blessed is the Light and Blessed are the Waters.   The full Moon lights up the night in brightness and draws the oceans to tidal fullness. Much is energized this Moon.  …

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Creature Teacher: Hummingbird

02.09.2014 in creatures

Creature Teacher: Hummingbird   Here it is the season where migration begins. Already small flights of geese are honking their goodbyes. The hummingbirds too fly to greet warmer climes and southern spring, but many of the Anna hummingbirds, the northern most hummingbird, will stay. Ah…

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Half Lit Waxing Moon

02.09.2014 in moon&sky

She sat in the dark of the moon and surrendered to the void. Releasing, resting, in the deep wisdom she opened to receive. As the first sliver of moonlight appeared she gathered and prepared for regeneration and re-emergence. Now under the half lit moon (exact…

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