Wisdom Wild | Moon waxing between Eclipses


Moon waxing between Eclipses

17 Mar 2016, by Fiona in moon&sky

160316-7_COMP1-merge_x385The First Quarter Moon on Tuesday (@1003pst) was in Gemini and further waxed into Cancer later that day (@1756) where she continues to reside today.


We are between eclipses and the reverberations from the solar eclipse are still rippling in Pisces seas. Perhaps you have been feeling it – especially with the strong and potentially ‘whelming mutable squares occurring earlier this week – as sensitivities ride high with the solar eclipse.


Over the next few days through Equinox this weekend, line-ups in the skies bring a number of helpful and beneficial energies (trines, conjunctions). Venus in Pisces (as of Mar 12) brings love and compassion, kindness, idealism and optimism.   Invite in ease and creativity. Connect regularly with inner wisdom and inspiration. This eclipse cycle – with the next eclipse at the full Moon – is full of potential for shifting, healing, transforming and manifesting.


Stay present and calm and optimistic. Ground deep in your roots and keep your eyes on the bigger view – on joy and love and freedom and respect. Surround yourself with whatever reminds you of the goodness in the world. Open to this and receive the blessings of the energies of this time.


Opposing forces may be loud in the land;
Each of us knows and defends where we stand


Step aside from the noise of doubt and fear
Walk your purpose on the path you have cleared


Whether or not you stand on shifting sands
Feel the strength of truth and love
in your heart and your hands


The time is now to grow (north) and to reap (south)
Focus intently on what you want to feed and to keep


In words and in deeds that makes things whole
It is time now to express the voice of your soul


Nurture your Nature

with Love and Light




IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted Twins: modified from clip art | crab; modified from unknown source found on astrology.com