Wisdom Wild | New, new and Cross Quarter too


New, new and Cross Quarter too

02 Feb 2022, by Fiona in moon&sky, turnings

Bringing greetings in this special time….


Welcome Sliver Moon,
the New Lunar Year of the Water Tiger &
the divine Cross Quarter


re-imagine, re-ignite,re-activate, re-birth


We are in a field of sacred moments at this turn of the wheel. There is a stirring and a rising of energy. Gifts in the flows bring possibilities, opportunities, new seeds, new shoots, and powers to fuel and realize new imaginings. Time to tune, align, and magnetize all we wish to bring into Being.


As always, Moon dark-new is an invitation to rise from the dark and begin anew. In Aquarius, and in ~the middle of Aquarius season, she re-activates the call to freedom, innovation, and new ways of seeing, thinking and Being. Aquarius ignites intellectual activity, curiosity, inquiry, and the exploration of new ideas and all things unique, unusual, and in service to all. Our thoughts rise from the shadows and are imbued with hope and possibility (Jupiter-Uranus Feb2); and we attract what aligns us with our aims (Venus in Cap now direct). It is a time for visioning and setting intentions for all that we wish to actualize. It is time to move forward (all planets direct by Thursday).


This new Moon also heralds Chinese/Lunar New Year (marked in the North by the 2nd new Moon after December’s Winter Solstice). Now begins the Year of the Water Tiger (occurs every 60 years).  Water Tiger is associated with bravery, strength, courage and confidence. She is gentle and protective of those in hir care, and hir strong connection to Water makes hir highly intuitive. Focussed, patient and fully tuned to perfect timing, she is fierce and fearless in pursuit of hir goals. With Water Tiger stalking the year, we can expect to feel a surge of passion and power; an increase in vitality; and renewed devotion to our pursuits. It is a time to open to new adventures!


In the midst of all these shifts and flows, we are also very near the midpoint between Solstice and Equinox (exact Feb3 @1237pst). It is the time of the Cross-Quarter, a sacred point in the turning of the Wheel.*

In the South it is the time of first harvest; a time to gather the seeds of first crops; to enjoy first fruits and first grains; and to bake first new breads (Lammas). Here in the North the seeds I gathered at Lammas last year are ready for planting. Other seeds are stirring as days of light lengthen and Earth warms. Narcissus shoots are breaking through the soil and the first snowdrop opened hir petals today. Early primulas and daffodils now bring colour and the promise of Spring fully emerging soon. Crystalized sunlight dances rainbows on my walls.  Ahh… I do love the time of re-emergence.


It is time to draw on Aquarius to clear the mind. Time to cultivate divine connection and tune to our aims. Time to align with heart and Spirit. Time to enliven our hopes, wishes, dreams and passions. Time to choose peace and unity (the power of 2s). Time to plant seeds of beauty, wonder, wisdom, freedom and possibility. Time to rise up with the increasing Light. And time, always, to


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


May you open to an abundance of positive possibilities,
feel your energy rise with the increasing Light, and
move forward with passion, power and confidence this wondrous season




*The actual astronomical cross-quarter day and time varies from year to year but festivals and celebrations tend to occur by tradition on ~Feb 1/2. Festivals in the North include Imbolc (in-the-belly of the Mother), Brigid’s Day or Candlemas; in the South, Lughnasad or Lammas (loaves).









IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: Tiger Cut & modified image from Public Domain Pictures