Waxing Moon half-lit in Leo
02 May 2017, by moon&sky inGreetings of Waxing Moon Half-Lit
(exact @ 1947 PDT)
in Leo
center, simplify, prioritize
Feels like the Earth-Sky energies are a bit wonky at the moment but with some recent shifts (eg Mercury moves direct tomorrow), something may begin to shake loose.
Waxing Moon half-lit invites us into the moment between dark and light in equal measure; between old beliefs/ways of doing (Saturn in Sag), and the healing that comes from understanding oneness in Spirit (Chiron in Pisces. NB continuing Saturn-Chiron square). Now is the time to immerse in the ‘middle way’ (esp since half-way point between equinox and solstice is less than 2 days away, May 4 0028 pdt exact).
Things are still moving slow (retrograde planets ). Use the opportunity to simplify and prioritize in preparation for flowing forward movement (Mercury>direct + waxing Moon). If keeping focus on the practical becomes difficult (Mercury-Uranus alignment), draw on the earthy energy beneath your feet. Rephrase ‘shoulds’ as ‘coulds’ and then decide what to choose.
The earthy and slow energy has been wonderfully grounding but I must admit I welcome the shift in elemental energies and rather more flow. Moon in Leo brings warm-hearted fire and the courage to be open to shifts and change. Feel into courage and warm-heartedness, and impress both into your Being.
Step into a moment of in-between
into the seen and the unseen
Feel your primal and Spirit nature both wild and tame
Align all the powers with which you came
Remember and surrender uncensored
Make your dance simple and heart-centered
Seeds of sacred purpose are planted in your heart
Time to nurture them forth, these your ultimate art
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you feel and express warm-hearted courage this Moon!
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Main Image: lion/ess cub: found on Bing; source n/a | Sekhmet: : found on Nady Adee site; source uknown