17 Dec 2013, by turnings inSolstice time calls me to pause for many reasons (as you have perhaps already noticed ;)). There may be many tasks to do and much that needs to be accomplished but Pause… Pause is a gift to make time for.
I have often written about the importance of Pause, of taking a moment, often, and regularly.
Pause to get still. Pause to ground. Pause to reflect. Pause to imagine. Pause to wonder. Pause in awe for those non-ordinary moments.
Pause for non-ordinary moments like Winter Solstice even though it comes every year. Non-ordinary moments like new moons and full moons, each so unique, even though they appear and disappear every luna month. Non-ordinary moments like sunrise and sunset so often astounding. Non-ordinary moments that take my breath away.
Non-ordinary moments like last night.
The sky lit up with fire last night as the sun set in the west. Gorgeous, awesome. Then, at the same moment, the moon, just hours to full, rose in the east. It was as if the Sun was heralding it’s return and the Moon rose full-lighted to confirm the promise.
An ‘ordinary’ non-ordinary moment in the Solstice Season. A moment that called me to pause long in amazement, awe and delight. A moment of Earth-Sky Magick as if in honor of the season.
This is the last full moon of the season. The tide is full.
Fill yourself with Light and fullness. Give thanks for all that you have received and accomplished this year. Release all hurts, doubts, fears and whatever else no longer serves. Let these be carried away by the falling tide or fade as the moon wanes in the coming days.
Now consider the doors you are holding open or calling to be opened. Give them names that reflect what you want to receive. Write them down in your journal or on special slips of paper and, if you have an altar, put them there so they may be fed by your attention and energized by Spirit in All.
Remember balance. Remember Pause. Be open and spacious to receive abundance of Love & Light.
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light