Wisdom Wild | Moon half-lit in Virgo


Moon half-lit in Virgo

25 May 2015, by Fiona in moon&sky

150525_COMP2-merge_x385Greetings of the waxing 1st Q Moon in Virgo


The half-lit Moon calls us to pause and attend to balance. In Virgo, we are called again to Earth, just as we were called at Moon dark.


Plant your feet firmly on the ground and
feel the support of your foundations.
Breathe deeply into this moment and Be as Tree.
Feel your roots firm and solid.
Allow your branches to move gently with the wind.
Feel into the stillness of the motion and allow yourself to be breathed.


Welcome the pause of your Tree Be-ing and be nourished by your stand. Here is a place to rest and begin. A place to re-member and to return whenever there is need.


More for the times…


I wonder what soul seeds called to be planted and nourished this cycle, and how the planting and tending is going. The 1st Q Moon time is the time when seeds begin to push through their cases and plants begin to sprout new leaves. It is often a gentle, fragile time. It is also a time when the desire to move and to do increases, and there can be some ‘wrestling’ that goes on in the process.


Be guided by Virgo Moon energy and her call to practical matters; to re-organizing and re-thinking plans. Yes, attend to details: Set your aim on those that can be ironed out, and that make your path more free.


Sun, Mars and Mercury are all in Gemini so things may feel a bit ‘up in the air’ or scattered. Remember Tree and Earth your Being.


The Gemini energy, together with retrograde planets may invite distraction (especially given MercR’s reputation and tendency for schedule, technology and communication glitches). Open to the potential of interesting detours.


Moon is currently opposite Neptune and can heighten ‘tension’ (aka paused eagerness to move). Bathe in the rising waters. Invite them to buoy your efforts and provide healing. Allow All to flow.


Yes, become Tree-Being. Willow, Cedar, Grand Fir or? Dance with the winds, fluid and joy-full. Express your couer-ageous Self.


Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light


Personal Notes


150525_P1060378_CROP-merge_300hI have certainly been feeling the energies of the season. Yes, much has been ‘up in the air’ and yes, there’s been some schedule wonks (e.g., almost 5h wait due to overloaded and delayed ferries! Sheesh! ;))


It’s a good time to take things lightly!


And to take time to enjoy nature and to express.


Here I share with you Panel 2 (work in progress) of the 5-panel ‘Elemental Wisdom’ painting I introduced to you at LastQ Moon. It represents the Air element; an invitation to feel feather-light.


Wishing you sweet sproutings, inspiring detours, and Light-ness  of Being!

Nurture your Nature, Wisdomwild