Moon Full in Sag
20 Jun 2016, by moon&sky inWelcome Moon full-bright (exact @ 0402pdt) and Solstice too (exact at 1534pdt)
Center, ground, refuel & rest
This is the second Sagittarius full Moon in a row (the last at 1st degree Sag; this at the last degree of Sag) and ‘completes’ what was begun at the new Moon in May. There is fuel to transform and expand whatever calls for creation. The power of the archer’s arrow now carries visions beyond distant horizons and finds receptive and fertile grounds (Jupiter, Sag ruler, in Virgo). Soon after full, Moon moves into Capricorn earthing the visions and bringing support for creating new forms.
Just hours after Moon full, Sun moves into Cancer at Solstice. The occurrence of a full Moon at Solstice is somewhat rare (occurs every 30 years or so). In the north, this is the peak of Sun and Moon, masculine and feminine, yin and yang, facing each other in full power. In the south, it is the time of the longest night, the deepest feminine dark. Emotion, intuition, and creativity is high.
The push to transcend whatever divides or otherwise impedes us is still strong (and will be for then next 5 months or so – Neptune retrograde) as is the call for compassionate vision and for unity and oneness – not just in principle but crystallized in form in this space and time. We are washing away and building anew. In these weeks, again and again. This is a journey of heart-bridging; moving from what was, to the more awakened, enlightened, inclusive ways that are being urged into Being. (Neptune-Saturn tight square into July. This alignment doesn’t occur again for another 18 years). What we catalyze now is significant.
We are living in eventful times. Right now there is a spectacular rush of energy, and insistent energy, for lasting shifts (Moon at an Aries point). It is a potent time to nurture and expand whatever it is you wish to bring into being.
It is definitely a time to be centered, grounded and self-nourished – in mind, heart, body – and tuned to heart-truth, inner wisdom and Spirit. Always good practices but especially important right now. Focus on gentleness, sweetness and love (Venus now in Cancer as of Fri Jun17). Find strength in flexibility and mutability (mutable grand cross again activated). Take small steps into the extraordinary. Spend time near home, in nature, at rest, and in healing (Chiron trine Mars at full moon)
Open, open to the white and golden light
both in the day and in the night
sparkling stars, bright Moon and Sun
look now upon all that you have done
The feeling- thinking walks and talks
investigating and taking stock
listening for each and every gentle knock
deepening the integrity of your heart & world walk
Heart, mind and body cleansing
healing and shifting, outside and in
creatively transforming out-dated skins
Radiant Being you have aimed
into the heart of your heart and into heaven and Earth
igniting love, light and truth most spectacular
A dazzling call for peace and freedom for All be attained.
Rest now and re-source in soul-full ecstasy and
Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light
May you honor your gifts and your connection to All!
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted
Sky Background: source N/A | Diana sculpture: by Marcel Bourraine found on Canonbury Antiques |