Wisdom Wild | Waning Moon Half-Lit in Capricorn


Waning Moon Half-Lit in Capricorn

08 Apr 2018, by Fiona in moon&sky

Welcome Moon Half-lit (exact @0018 PDT) in Capricorn (into Aqua this eve)180408_COMP1-merge-CROP_x385


… release, go slow, & trust
balance & patience know


Overall we are riding through times that are a combination of challenge and resistance that we each need to negotiate. There is continued tension between doing and Being; pedal on the gas and pedal on the brake (Mars-Saturn relations+ planets in Aries and Capricorn). It is particularly important now to be mindful of when to use each pedal – and for how long – and to exercise patience, discipline and courage.


Capricorn Moon increases our awareness of the need for structure, discipline, and organization (further endorsed by other planets in Capricorn). At this waning half-lit Moon it is time to re-align, revise, restructure, and cleanse. Time to release, go slow, and empty in preparation for the new Moon to come.


Over the next couple of days, I invite you to organize, wrap up and re-frame whatever has been initiated this Moon (Moon in Aquarius tonight fuels instinctive knowing of what needs change). Then create time and space to move within. Also create spaciousness between Spirit within, and the activities and demands of the outside world. Move within, and into the space between. Look to the natural world and spend time in forest, by sea or by stream. Breathe deep. See Earth’s changes reflected in your own Being. Feel well-being in beauty, ease and peace.


Waning Moon calls us to release, let go
Time to pause, realign, balance and slow


Whatever has been a pressing need
self-care demands we must now most heed


Join with Spirit within and prepare
Rest, dream and nourish your sacred prayers


Nurture your Nature
with Love and Light


Wishing you deep releasing
and sacred nourishment this waning Moon










IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art & photos by Fiona/WisdomWild unless otherwise noted
Main Image: ‘SeaGoat‘: source N/A | Aqua Sculpture :artist unknown; cut & modified from Getty image |