Half-lit waning Moon
02 Nov 2015, by moon&sky inGreetings of the waning
Half-lit Moon (exact @ 0424 pst)
in Leo.
Review, revise, realign, integrate, cleanse & rejuvenate
In these past few weeks and days we have been in the midst of season change and (more recently) clock-time change. On Saturday the sun will be halfway (exact at 0944) between Equinox and Solstice. In the north, moving into the deepening dark; in the south into the brightening light. Much is shifting under the Scorpio sun.
From stories shared, this shifting time has been challenging for many. Sometimes floods, sometimes thick fog, sometimes desert. Shifts and changes (as they so often do) have variously given rise to fear, uncertainty, grief, meltdowns… and initiated breakthroughs in ways of seeing and ways of being.
Trust the shiftings to open and close, nourish and cleanse, gift and release, in transforming rhythms tuned to the wholeness and magic of your Being. Draw on Earth energy and ground yourself in this wholeness and magic (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto all in Earth signs and tomorrow Moon too). Be filled with the song and dance to the beat of your heart.
The half-lit waning Moon (in Leo) invites us to pause into the presence of this moment. Time now to review, revise, follow-up and taking closing action on that which was initiated during this cycle. Time to discharge the energy of what has been, reorient balance, realign, and rest into the deepening dark, in preparation for the new Moon to come.
Circle the field of your domain
each footfall a heart beat on the Earth drum
marking the space of your rest and rejuvenation
as you spiral within
In the centre, in the heart of your hearth,
be filled by the energy and fire of big-hearted Leo.
Open and release into the flames all that is no longer needed and
draw in the nourishing light and warmth of
all the gifts you know
Earth the truth of your wholeness
wrapped in your song of Being
as you purr down into the
welcoming magic of the feminine deep
cradled in the arch of the waning Moon
Nurture your Nature
with Love & Light
May you enjoy nourishing spaciousness and deep rejuvenation under the darkening Moon.
IMAGE NOTES. All compilations, art/photos by WisdomWild/Fiona unless otherwise noted. Lioness faces: cut & modified from images found on funmozar; photographer(s) unknown.